SMB AutoRelay provides the automation of SMB/NTLM Relay technique for pentesting and red teaming exercises in active directory environments. Usage…
Powerglot encodes several kind of scripts using polyglots, for example, offensive powershell scripts. It is not needed a loader to…
Pastego is a scrape/Parse Pastebin using GO and grammar expression (PEG). Installation $ go get -u Usage Search keywords…
h2cSmuggler smuggles HTTP traffic past insecure edge-server proxy_pass configurations by establishing HTTP/2 cleartext (h2c) communications with h2c-compatible back-end servers, allowing…
MapCIDR is a small utility program to perform multiple operations for a given subnet/CIDR ranges. The tool was developed to…
Lil Pwny is a Python application to perform an offline audit of NTLM hashes of users' passwords, recovered from Active…
Polypyus learns to locate functions in raw binaries by extracting known functions from similar binaries. Thus, it is a firmware…
Cooolis-ms is a server that supports Metasploit Framework RPC. It is used to work for Shellcode and PE loader, bypassing…
PwnedPasswordsChecker is a tool that checks if the hash of a known password (in SHA1 or NTLM format) is present…
Wacker is a set of scripts to help perform an online dictionary attack against a WPA3 access point. Wacker leverages…