Kali Linux

Netenum : Network Reconnaisance Tool That Sniffs For Active Hosts

Netenum passively monitors the ARP traffic on the network. It extracts basic data about each active host, such as IP…

5 years ago

DLInjector-GUI : Faster DLL Injector for Processes

DLInjector for Graphical User Interface. Faster DLL Injector for processes. It targets the process name to identify the target. The…

5 years ago

Cnitch : Container Snitch Checks Running Processes Under The Docker Engine

Cnitch (snitch or container snitch) is a simple framework and command line tool for monitoring Docker containers to identify any…

5 years ago

Mistica : Swiss Army Knife For Arbitrary Communication Over Application Protocols

Mistica is a tool that allows to embed data into application layer protocol fields, with the goal of establishing a…

5 years ago

DeimosC2 : A Golang Command & Control Framework For Post-Exploitation

DeimosC2 is a post-exploitation Command & Control (C2) tool that leverages multiple communication methods in order to control machines that…

5 years ago

EternalBlueC : Tool For EternalBlue Vulnerability Detector, DoublePulsar Detector & DoublePulsar Shellcode & DLL Uploader

EternalBlueC suite remade in C which includes: MS17-010 Exploit, EternalBlue/MS17-010 vulnerability detector, DoublePulsar detector and DoublePulsar UploadDLL & Shellcode [*]…

5 years ago

Kubei : A Flexible Kubernetes Runtime Scanner

Kubei is a vulnerabilities scanning tool that allows users to get an accurate and immediate risk assessment of their kubernetes…

5 years ago

DazzleUP : A Tool That Detects The Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities

DazzleUP is a tool that detects the privilege escalation vulnerabilities caused by misconfigurations and missing updates in the Windows operating…

5 years ago

uDork : Tool That Uses Advanced Google Search Techniques

uDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files…

5 years ago

Oralyzer : Tool To Identify Open Redirection

Oralyzer, a simple python script, capable of identifying the open redirection vulnerability in a website. It does that by fuzzing…

5 years ago