Kali Linux

shhgit : Finds Secrets & Sensitive Files Across GitHub

shhgit finds secrets and sensitive files across GitHub (including Gists), GitLab and BitBucket committed in near real time. There are…

5 years ago

reNgine : An Automated recon Framework For Web Applications

reNgine is an automated reconnaissance framework meant for information gathering during penetration testing of web applications. reNgine has customizable scan…

5 years ago

AI Technology Tracks Employees to Keep Social Distancing

The Coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected most businesses. Many organizations have suspended operations due to a decline in the demand…

5 years ago

Autoenum : Automatic Service Enumeration Script

Autoenum is a recon tool which performs automatic enumeration of services discovered. I built this to save some time during…

5 years ago

AuthMatrix : A Burp Suite Extension That Provides A Simple Way To Test Authorization

AuthMatrix is an extension to Burp Suite that provides a simple way to test authorization in web applications and web…

5 years ago

Permission Manager : Tool To Kubernetes RBAC And Users Management, Web UI FTW

Permission Manager is an application developed by SIGHUP that enables a super-easy and user-friendly RBAC management for Kubernetes. If you…

5 years ago

Quiver : A Meta-Tool for Kali Linux

Quiver is an organized namespace of shell functions that pre-fill commands in your terminal so that you can ditch your…

5 years ago

Onex : A Library Of Hacking Tools For Termux And Other Linux Distributions

Onex is a kali linux hacking tools installer for termux and other linux distribution. It's package manager for hacker's. It…

5 years ago

Kali Linux Tools Interface

Kali Linux Tools Interface is a graphical interface to use information security tools by the browser. The project uses the…

5 years ago

Lazybee : Wordlist Generator Tool For Termux

Lazybee tool is a python based script from which you can generate random wordlist for brutefocre attacks. This tool has…

5 years ago