Kali Linux

Quarantyne · Modern Web Firewall

Quarantyne is a reverse-proxy that protects web applications and APIs from fraudulent behavior, misuse, bots and cyber-attacks in real-time. Requirements…

6 years ago

Terminus : A Terminal For A More Modern Age

Terminus is a highly configurable terminal for a more modern age emulator for Windows, macOS and Linux. Theming and color schemesFully…

6 years ago

SeccuBus : Easy Automated Vulnerability Scanning, Reporting & Analysis

Seccubus automates regular vulnerability scans with various tools and aids security people in the fast analysis of its output, both…

6 years ago

CocoaDebug : iOS Debugging Tool

CocoaDebug is an iOS debugging tool with the following features; Shake to hide or show the black bubble. (support both…

6 years ago

GetWin : FUD Win32 Payload Generator & Listener

GetWin is a FUD Win32 payload generator and listener. Following are some of the features of this tool; FUD :…

6 years ago

Semantic : Parsing, Analysing & Comparing Source Code Across Many Languages

Semantic is a Haskell library and command line tool for parsing, analysing, and comparing source code. Usage Run semantic --help for complete…

6 years ago

KaliTorify : Transparent Proxy Through Tor For Kali Linux OS

Kalitorify is a shell script for Kali Linux which use iptables settings to create a Transparent Proxy through the Tor Network, the program also allows you…

6 years ago

RustBuster : DirBuster for Rust

RustBuster is a tool to dirbuster for rust and following are the 4 modes(Dir mode, Dns mode, Vhost mode, Fuzz…

6 years ago

Salsa Tools : ShellReverse TCP/UDP/ICMP/DNS/SSL/BINDTCP & AV Bypass, AMSI Patched

Salsa Tools is a collection of three different tools that combined, allows you to get a reverse shell on steroids…

6 years ago

Bonesi : Tool For DDoS Botnet Simulator

BoNeSi, the DDoS Botnet Simulator is a Tool to simulate Botnet Traffic in a tested environment on the wire. It…

6 years ago