Intensio Obfuscator is an obfuscate a python code 2.x and 3.x. Takes a python source code and transform it into…
PhoneInfoga is one of the most advanced tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources. The goal is to…
Yaazhini is a free vulnerability scanner for android APK and API. It is a user-friendly tool that you can easily…
Whitewidow is an open source automated SQL vulnerability scanner, that is capable of running through a file list, or can…
RapidScan is the multi tool web vulnerability scanner. It is quite a fuss for a pentester to perform binge-tool-scanning (running…
RecScanSec made for reconnaisance Scanner and information gathering with an emphasis on simplicity. Following are the features of the scanner; Information Security…
Tor Router allow you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your traffic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS,…
WhatWeb identifies websites. Its goal is to answer the question, "What is that Website?". WhatWeb recognises web technologies including content…
Recsech is a tool for doing Footprinting and Reconnaissance on the target web. It collects information such as DNS Information, Sub…
ShellPhish is a phishing Tool for 18 social media like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin,…