Kali Linux

Intensio Obfuscator : Obfuscate A Python Code 2.x & 3.x

Intensio Obfuscator is an obfuscate a python code 2.x and 3.x. Takes a python source code and transform it into…

6 years ago

PhoneInfoga : Advanced Information Gathering & OSINT Tool For Phone Numbers

PhoneInfoga is one of the most advanced tools to scan phone numbers using only free resources. The goal is to…

6 years ago

Yaazhini – Free Android APK & API Vulnerability Scanner

Yaazhini is a free vulnerability scanner for android APK and API. It is a user-friendly tool that you can easily…

6 years ago

Whitewidow : SQL Vulnerability Scanner

Whitewidow is an open source automated SQL vulnerability scanner, that is capable of running through a file list, or can…

6 years ago

RapidScan : The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner

RapidScan is the multi tool web vulnerability scanner. It is quite a fuss for a pentester to perform binge-tool-scanning (running…

6 years ago

RecScanSec – Reconnaisance Scanner Security

RecScanSec made for reconnaisance Scanner and information gathering with an emphasis on simplicity. Following are the features of the scanner; Information Security…

6 years ago

TOR Router : A Tool That Allow You To Make TOR Your Default Gateway

Tor Router allow you to use TOR as a transparent proxy and send all your traffic under TOR INCLUDING DNS REQUESTS,…

6 years ago

WhatWeb : Next Generation Web Scanner

WhatWeb identifies websites. Its goal is to answer the question, "What is that Website?". WhatWeb recognises web technologies including content…

6 years ago

Recsech – Tool For Doing Footprinting & Reconnaissance On The Target Web

Recsech is a tool for doing  Footprinting and Reconnaissance on the target web. It collects information such as DNS Information, Sub…

6 years ago

ShellPhish : Phishing Tool For 18 Social Media

ShellPhish is a phishing Tool for 18 social media like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Github, Twitter, Yahoo, Protonmail, Spotify, Netflix, Linkedin,…

6 years ago