Completely re-writing this right now. Focus will be on interactive Linux apps that only take input from stdin for starters.…
Userrecon-PY is a tool used to find usernames in social networks. Installation Install dependencies (Debian/Ubuntu): sudo apt install python3 python3-pip…
The OWASP Amass tool suite obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, recursive brute forcing, crawling web archives, permuting/altering names…
WPBullet is a static code analysis for WordPress Plugins/Themes (and PHP). Simply clone the repository, install requirements and run the…
Kubolt is simple utility for scanning public unauthinticated kubernetes clusters and run commands inside containers. Sometimes, the kubelet port 10250…
PhoneSploit is using open Adb ports we can exploit a Android Device. You can find open ports by clicking here.…
A Brutality is a fuzzer for any GET entries and following are the features ; Multi-threading on demandFuzzing, bruteforcing GET…
Sniffglue is a network sniffer written in rust. Network packets are parsed concurrently using a thread pool to utilize all…
H2Buster is a threaded, recursive, web directory brute-force scanner over HTTP/2 using hyper, inspired by Gobuster. Following are the features;…
SSHD Poison is a tool to get creds of pam based sshd authentication, this is not the easiest way to…