HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The…
As the years are passing, businesses under different niches have reached millions of people for various reasons. Also, most of…
As the days are passing, millions of people are highly focusing on the businesses to begin in different ways. For…
WAFW00F identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products. To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following: Sends a normal…
IP Finder CLI is the Official Command Line Client For IPFinder, singing up for a free account at https://ipfinder.io/auth/signup, for Free…
Vulnx is a cms and vulnerabilities detection, an intelligent auto shell injector, fast cms detection of target and fast scanner and information…
WhatsSpy Public (not to confuse with WhatsSpy) is an web-oriented application that tracks every move on WhatsApp of whoever you…
Parat is a simple remote administration tool (RAT) written in python. Compatible with both python 2 and 3 versions(dont forget…
WhoAmIMailBot is a service to mask your e-mails. It was inspired by Blur, where you can create an alias for…
Teleshadow3 is a advanced Telegram desktop session hijacker for windows, you can download tool by clickin here. Set the email…