AirpyDump is a wireless packet analyzer, providing the interface most likely that of airodump-ng from aircrack suite. It currently provides…
Converto is a automated Kali Linux or Parrot OS installer for VPS, also installs VNC (Graphical / Non-Graphical VNC). It…
CrossLinked simplifies the processes of searching LinkedIn to collect valid employee names when performing password spraying or other security testing…
Graffiti is a tool to generate obfuscated oneliners to aid in penetration testing situations. Graffiti accepts the following languages for…
LANGhost is designed for Raspberry Pis (Raspbian/Kali for RPi). Running it on other/desktop distros could cause issues and may not…
Telegram BBBot is a Telegram Bug Bounty Bot. History Telegram BBBot This bot adopted special for deploying to HerokuGeneral purposes…
Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows. Thc Hydra is a proof…
Flashsploit is an Exploitation Framework for Attacks using ATtiny85 HID Devices such as Digispark USB Development Board, flashsploit generates Arduino…
Versionscan is a tool for evaluating your currently installed PHP version and checking it against known CVEs and the versions…
XSSCon is a simple XSS Scanner tool and a powerful XSS scanner made in python 3.7. Installing Requirements: BeautifulSoup4 pip…