Kali Linux

Decker : Declarative Penetration Testing Orchestration Framework

Decker is a penetration testing orchestration framework. It leverages HashiCorp Configuration Language 2 (the same config language as Terraform) to…

6 years ago

PFQ : Functional Network Framework for Multi-Core Architectures

PFQ is a functional framework designed for the Linux operating system built for efficient packets capture/transmission (10G, 40G and beyond),…

6 years ago

How to Install Ubuntu On Windows 10?

In this article will provide you with step by step instruction on installation of Ubuntu on the Windows 10 operating…

6 years ago

Hostintel : A Modular Python App to Collect Intelligence for Malicious Hosts

Hostintel is used to collect various intelligence sources for hosts. Hostintel is written in a modular fashion so new intelligence…

6 years ago

UserLAnd : Run a Linux Distribution or Application on Android

The assets that UserLAnd depends on and the scripts that build them are contained in other repositories. The common assets…

6 years ago

IoT Home Guard : A Tool for Malicious Behavior Detection in IoT Devices

IoT Home Guard is a project to help people discover malware in smart home devices. For users the project can…

6 years ago

Command Injection Payload List

Command injection is an attack in which the goal is execution of arbitrary commands on the host operating system via…

6 years ago

RootOS – macOS Root Helper

rootOS tries to use various CVEs to gain sudo or root access. All exploits have an end goal of adding…

6 years ago

Vuls : Vulnerability Scanner for Linux/FreeBSD, Agentless, Written in Go

Vuls is a vulnerability scanner for Linux/FreeBSD, agentless, written in golang. Also Read - Turbinia : Automation and Scaling of…

6 years ago

Kage – Graphical User Interface for Metasploit Meterpreter & Session Handler

Kage (ka-geh) is a tool inspired by AhMyth designed for Metasploit RPC Server to interact with meterpreter sessions and generate payloads.For…

6 years ago