Kali Linux

ADAPT : Tool That Performs Automated Penetration Testing for WebApps

ADAPT is a tool that performs Automated Dynamic Application Penetration Testing for web applications. It is designed to increase accuracy,…

6 years ago

Pwndb : Search For Leaked Credentials

Pwndb is a python command-line tool for searching leaked credentials using the Onion service with the same name. Usage usage:…

6 years ago

PF_RING : High-Speed Packet Processing Framework

PF_RING is a Linux kernel module and user-space framework that allows you to process packets at high-rates while providing you…

6 years ago

CIRTKit : Tools for the Computer Incident Response Team

CIRTKit is a tools for the computer incident response team. One DFIR console to rule them all. Built on top…

6 years ago

Modlishka : A Flexible And Powerful Reverse Proxy Tool

Modlishka is a flexible and powerful reverse proxy, that will take your ethical phishing campaigns to the next level. It…

6 years ago

Windows 95 : Windows 95 in Electron That Runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows

This is Windows 95, running in an Electron app, which runs on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Bear in mind that…

6 years ago

Fwknop : Single Packet Authorization Port Knocking

Fwknop implements an authorization scheme known as Single Packet Authorization (SPA) for strong service concealment. SPA requires only a single…

6 years ago

GoScan : Interactive Network Scanner 2019

GoScan is an interactive network scanner client, featuring auto-completion, which provides abstraction and automation over nmap. GoScan can now be…

6 years ago

nDPI : Open Source Deep Packet Inspection Software Toolkit

nDPI is an open source LGPLv3 library for deep-packet inspection. Based on OpenDPI it includes ntop extensions. We have tried…

6 years ago

Bscan : An Asynchronous Target Enumeration Tool

Bscan is a command-line utility to perform active information gathering and service enumeration. At its core, bscan asynchronously spawns processes…

6 years ago