DFIRTrack (Digital Forensics and Incident Response Tracking application) is an open source web application mainly based on Django using a PostgreSQL database backend. In…
CANalyzat0r is a Python software project built from scratch with new ideas for analysis mechanisms. Why CANalyzat0r? Need for Strive…
Fnord is a pattern extractor for obfuscated code. It has two main functions: Extract byte sequences and create some statisticsUse…
BinCAT is a static Binary Code Analysis Toolkit, designed to help reverse engineers, directly from IDA or using Python for automation. It…
BeeBug is a tool that can be used to verify if a program crash could be exploitable. This tool was…
It is a Linux re-imagining of the classic ProcDump tool from the Sysinternals suite of tools for Windows. It provides…
Recaf is an easy to use modern Java bytecode editor based on Objectweb's ASM. No more hassling with the constant…
LOLBAS is the living off the land binaries and scripts. All the different files can be found behind a fancy…
Bolt is in beta phase of development which means there can be bugs. Any production use of this tool discouraged.…
IP Obfuscator is a simple python script which converts an IP address into different obfuscated forms like integer, hexadecimal or…