Kali Linux

MEC : massExploitConsole For Concurrent Exploiting

massExploitConsole a collection of hacking tools with a CLI & UI for concurrent exploiting. Following are the features of MEC;…

6 years ago

Evilginx2 : Standalone Man-In-The-Middle Attack Framework

Evilginx2 is a man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, which in turn allows to…

6 years ago

Novahot – A Webshell Framework For Penetration Testers

Novahot is a webshell framework for penetration testers. It implements a JSON-based API that can communicate with trojans written in…

6 years ago

DjangoHunter : Tool To Identify Incorrectly Configured Django Applications

Djangohunter is a tool designed to help identify incorrectly configured Django applications that are exposing sensitive information. DjangoHunter Usage Usage:…

6 years ago

WPScan – Checks Vulnerabilities and Spots Security Issues

WPScan effectively scans your WordPress website and checks the vulnerabilities within the core version, plugins, themes, etc helping to spot the…

6 years ago

CRS – OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set

The OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set or CRS is a set of generic attack detection rules for use with ModSecurity…

6 years ago

Hayat – Google Cloud Platform & Auditing & Hardening Script

Hayat tool used for Google Cloud Platform Auditing & Hardening Script. What does that mean Hayat? Well, I had a…

6 years ago

Secret Keeper : Python Script To Encrypt & Decrypt Files With A Given Key

Secret Keeper is a file encryptor written in python which encrypt your files using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). CBC Mode…

6 years ago

Lightbulb Framework : Tools For Auditing WAFS

LightBulb Framework is an open source python framework for auditing web application firewalls and filters. LightBulb Framework Synopsis The framework consists of…

6 years ago

PENTOL – Pentester Toolkit for Fiddler2 2018

PENTOL is a pentester Toolkit is built as a plugin for the Fiddler HTTP debugging proxy. Pentol Features CORS DETECTED…

6 years ago