Kali Linux

Pinecone : A WLAN Red Team Framework

Pinecone is a WLAN networks auditing tool, suitable for red team usage. It is extensible via modules, and it is…

2 years ago

Nim-RunPE : A Nim Implementation Of Reflective PE-Loading From Memory

Nim-RunPE , is a Nim implementation of reflective PE-Loading from memory. The base for this code was taken from RunPE-In-Memory - which…

2 years ago

GraphCrawler : GraphQL Automated Security Testing Toolkit

Graph Crawler is the most powerful automated testing toolkit for any GraphQL endpoint. Version 1.2 is out NEW: Can search…

2 years ago

Gohide : Tunnel Port To Port Traffic Over An Obfuscated Channel With AES-GCM Encryption

Gohide, Tunnel port to port traffic via an obfuscated channel with AES-GCM encryption. Obfuscation Modes Session Cookie HTTP GET (http-client)Set-Cookie…

2 years ago

ForceAdmin : Create Infinite UAC Prompts Forcing A User To Run As Admin

ForceAdmin is a c# payload builder, creating infinate UAC pop-ups until the user allows the program to be ran. The…

2 years ago

Coercer : A Python Script To Automatically Coerce A Windows Server To Authenticate On An Arbitrary Machine

Coercer is a python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 9 methods.…

2 years ago

noPac : Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 And CVE-2021-42287 To Impersonate DA From Standard Domain User

noPac, Exploiting CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 to impersonate DA from standard domain user. Usage SAM THE ADMIN CVE-2021-42278 + CVE-2021-42287 chainpositional…

2 years ago

Aura : Python Source Code Auditing And Static Analysis On A Large Scale

Aura is a static analysis framework developed as a response to the ever-increasing threat of malicious packages and vulnerable code…

2 years ago

BeatRev : POC For Frustrating/Defeating Malware Analysts

BeatRev is a POC For Frustrating/Defeating Malware Analysts. The first time the malware runs on a victim it AES encrypts…

2 years ago

ApacheTomcatScanner : A Python Script To Scan For Apache Tomcat Server Vulnerabilities

ApacheTomcatScanner is a python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities. Features  Multithreaded workers to search for Apache tomcat…

2 years ago