Kali Linux

Nipe- Script To Make Tor Network Your Default Gateway

Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway. Nipe is a script for Linux that adjusts iptables…

7 years ago

FireMaster – The Firefox Master Password Recovery Tool

FireMaster is the principal ever tool created to recoup your lost or overlooked Master Password of Firefox utilizing easy to…

7 years ago

Gpredict – Satellite Tracking Application

Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking and orbit prediction program for the Linux desktop. It uses the SGP4/SDP4 propagation…

7 years ago

Penetration Testing Resources For Simulated Attacks

Penetration testing, all the more usually called pentesting, is the act of discovering openings that could be abused in an…

7 years ago

PhEmail Open Source Tool to Sending Phishing Emails Automatically

PhEmail is a python open source phishing email tool that mechanizes the way toward sending phishing messages as a component…

7 years ago

fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework

fsociety is a penetration testing system comprises of all penetration testing devices that a programmer needs. It incorporates every one…

7 years ago

ReelPhish – A Real-Time Two-Factor Phishing Tool

ReelPhish is a real-time two-factor phishing tool. This ReelPhish tool has been released along with a FireEye blog post. The…

7 years ago

Wifite 2.1.0 – Automated Wireless Attack Tool

A complete re-write of wifite, a Python script for auditing wireless networks. Wifite runs existing wireless-auditing tools for you. Stop…

7 years ago

Autovpn – Connect to a VPN in a Country of your Choice

AutoVpn is a tool to automatically connect you to a random VPN in a country of your choice. It uses…

7 years ago

BurpBounty – Active and Passive Scan Check Builder

BurpBounty permits you, in a speedy and basic way, to enhance the active and passive burpbounty suite scanner by methods…

7 years ago