lockc is open source sofware for providing MAC (Mandatory Access Control) type of security audit for container workloads. The main reason…
Puwr will Easily expand your attack surface on a local network by discovering more hosts, via SSH. Using a machine…
atomic-operator enables security professionals to test their detection and defensive capabilities against prescribed techniques defined within atomic-red-team. By utilizing a testing framework…
COM-hunter is a COM Hijacking persistence tool written in C#. Features Finds out entry valid CLSIDs in the victim's machine.Finds…
CRLFsuite is a fast tool specially designed to scan CRLF injection. Installation $ git clone https://github.com/Nefcore/CRLFsuite.git$ cd CRLFsuite$ sudo python3 setup.py…
SMB-Session-Spoofing is a utility that can be compiled with Visual Studio 2019 (or newer). The goal of this program is…
Notionterm is a Embed Reverse Shell In Notion Pages Hiding attacker IP in reverse shell (No direct interaction between attacker and…
Zap-Scripts is a Zed Attack Proxy Scripts for finding CVEs and Secrets. Building This project uses Gradle to build the…
PowerGram is a pure PowerShell Telegram Bot that can be run on Windows, Linux or Mac OS. To make use of…
Labtainers include more than 50 cyber lab exercises and tools to build your own. Import a single VM appliance or install on…