Kali Linux

DroidDetective : A Machine Learning Malware Analysis Framework For Android Apps

DroidDetective is a Python tool for analysing Android applications (APKs) for potential malware related behaviour and configurations. When provided with…

3 years ago

Frida-Ios-Hook : A Tool That Helps You Easy Trace Classes, Functions, And Modify The Return Values

Frida-Ios-Hook, a tool that helps you can easy using frida. It support script for trace classes, functions, and modify the…

3 years ago

Tornado : Anonymously Reverse Shell Over Tor Network Using Hidden Services Without Port forwarding

Tornado is implements tor network with metasploit-framework tool and msfvenom module, you can easily create hidden services for your localhost…

3 years ago

Reposaur : The Open Source Compliance Tool For Development Platforms

Reposaur is the open source compliance tool for development platforms. Audit, verify and report on your data and configurations easily…

3 years ago

Findwall : Check If Your Provider Is Blocking You

FindWall is Python script that allows to understand if your network provider is limiting your access to the Internet by…

3 years ago

Frelatage : The Python Fuzzer That The World Deserves

Frelatage is a coverage-based Python fuzzing library which can be used to fuzz python code. The development of Frelatage was…

3 years ago

Fb_Friend_List_Scraper : OSINT Tool To Scrape Names And Usernames From Large Friend Lists

Fb_Friend_List_Scraper is a OSINT tool to scrape names and usernames from large friend lists on Facebook, without being rate limited.…

3 years ago

Zphisher-GUI-Back_office : A Zphisher GUI Back-Office Plugin

Zphisher-GUI-Back_office is a plugin where you can see in real time the victims of your phishing campaign, you just have…

3 years ago

Tetanus : Mythic C2 Agent Targeting Linux And Windows Hosts Written In Rust

Tetanus is a Windows and Linux C2 agent written in rust. Installation To install Tetanus, you will need Mythic set up on…

3 years ago

Octopus : Open Source Pre-Operation C2 Server Based On Python And Powershell

Octopus is an open source, pre-operation C2 server based on python which can control an Octopus powershell agent through HTTP/S.…

3 years ago