Nanodump, a flexible tool that creates a minidump of the LSASS process. Features It uses syscalls (with SysWhispers2) for most operations.Syscalls…
BackupOperatorToDA, From An Account Member Of The Group Backup Operators To Domain Admin Without RDP Or WinRM On The Domain…
Requests-Ip-Rotator is a Python library to utilize AWS API Gateway's large IP pool as a proxy to generate pseudo-infinite IPs…
Dora, a tool to Find Exposed API Keys Based On RegEx And Get Exploitation Methods For Some Of Keys That…
Lupo is a Debugging module for Malware Analysis Automation. Working on security incidents that involve malware, we come across situations…
Osinteye is a tool used for Username enumeration & reconnaisance suite. Supported sites PyPI Github TestPypi Instagram DockerHub Installation Clone project: $ git clone…
Rip Raw is a small tool to analyse the memory of compromised Linux systems. It is similar in purpose to…
iOS Security Suite is an advanced and easy-to-use platform security & anti-tampering library written in pure Swift! If you are…
BITB is a Browser templates for Browser In The Browser (BITB) attack. Usage Each folder has a index.html file which has 4…
O365-Doppelganger is NOT a replacement for hardcore phishing activities. There are several other tools which perform OAuth and OTA capture…