Kali Linux

Invoke-EDRChecker : Checks Running Processes, Process Metadata, Dlls Loaded Into Your Current Process

Invoke-EDRChecker is the script will check running processes, process metadata, Dlls loaded into your current process and the each DLLs…

3 years ago

IDACode : An Integration For IDA And VS Code Which Connects Both To Easily Execute And Debug

IDACode makes it easy to execute and debug Python scripts in your IDA environment without leaving Visual Studio Code. The…

3 years ago

SMBSR : Lookup For Interesting Stuff In SMB Shares

SMBSR is a python script which given a CIDR/IP/IP_file/HOSTNAME(s) enumerates all the SMB services listening (445) among the targets and…

3 years ago

SQLRecon : A C# MS SQL Toolkit Designed For Offensive Reconnaissance And Post-Exploitation

SQLRecon is a C# MS-SQL toolkit designed for offensive reconnaissance and post-exploitation. For detailed usage information on each technique, refer…

3 years ago

Combobulator : Framework To Detect And Prevent Dependency Confusion Leakage And Potential Attacks

Combobulator is an Open-Source, modular and extensible framework to detect and prevent dependency confusion leakage and potential attacks. This facilitates…

3 years ago

Elfloader : An Architecture-Agnostic ELF File Flattener For Shellcode

Elfloader is a super simple loader for ELF files that generates a flat in-memory representation of the ELF. Pair this with…

3 years ago

wmiexec-RegOut : Modify Version Of Impacket Wmiexec.Py, Get Output(Data,Response) From Registry

wmiexec-RegOut is the modify version of impacket wmiexec.py, wmipersist.py. Got output(data, response) from registry, don't need SMB connection, but I'm…

3 years ago

Heaptrace : Helps Visualize Heap Operations For Pwn And Debugging

Heaptrace is a heap debugger for tracking glibc heap operations in ELF64 (x86_64) binaries. Its purpose is to help visualize…

3 years ago

Phant0m : Windows Event Log Killer

Phant0m is a Windows Event Log Killer. Svchost is essential in the implementation of so-called shared service processes, where a…

3 years ago

Ipsourcebypass : This Python Script Can Be Used To Bypass IP Source Restrictions Using HTTP Headers

Ipsourcebypass is a Python script that can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers. Features  17 HTTP…

3 years ago