Skrull is a malware DRM, that prevents Automatic Sample Submission by AV/EDR and Signature Scanning from Kernel. It generates launchers…
PMAT-labs, this repository contains live malware samples for use in the Practical Malware Analysis & Triage course (PMAT). These samples…
Snap Scraper is an open source intelligence tool which enables users to download media uploaded to Snapchat's Snap Map using…
SourceLeakHacker is a multi-threads web directories scanner. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt Usage usage: [options]optional arguments:-h, --help show this…
Onionservice is a minimal requirement, portable collection of scripts and documentation to help the service operator juggle (manage) his onion(s).…
NimHollow is a Nim Implementation Of Process Hollowing Using Syscalls (PoC). Playing around with the Process Hollowing technique using Nim. Features Direct…
Spamscanner is a tool and service built by @niftylettuce after hitting countless roadblocks with existing spam-detection solutions. In other words, it's our…
Spray365 is a password spraying tool that identifies valid credentials for Microsoft accounts (Office 365 / Azure AD). How is…
SQLbit is just another script for automatize boolean-based blind SQL injections.Works with SQLite at least, supports using cookies.It uses bitwise…
Mesh-Kridik is an open-source security checker that performs various security checks on a Kubernetes cluster with istio service mesh and…