Kali Linux

FindUncommonShares A Python Equivalent Of PowerView’s Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 Allowing To Quickly Find Uncommon Shares In Vast Windows Domains

FindUncommonShares.py is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 allowing to quickly find uncommon shares in vast Windows Domains. Features Only…

2 years ago

CertVerify : A Scanner That Files With Compromised Or Untrusted Code Signing Certificates

CertVerify is a scanner that files with compromised or untrusted code signing certificates written in python. The CertVerify is a…

2 years ago

CertWatcher : A Tool For Capture And Tracking Certificate Transparency Logs, Using YAML Templates Based DSL

CertWatcher is a tool for capture and tracking certificate transparency logs, using YAML templates based DSL. CertWatcher is a tool…

2 years ago

MacOSThreatTrack : Bash Tool Used For Proactive Detection Of Malicious Activity On macOS Systems

MacOSThreatTrack is a Bash tool used for proactive detection of malicious activity on macOS systems. The tool is being tested…

2 years ago

Graphicator : A GraphQL Enumeration And Extraction Tool

Graphicator is a GraphQL "scraper" / extractor. The tool iterates over the introspection document returned by the targeted GraphQL endpoint,…

2 years ago

DataSurgeon : Quickly Extracts IP’s, Email Addresses, Hashes, Files, Credit Cards, Social Secuirty Numbers And More From Text

DataSurgeon (ds) is a versatile tool designed for incident response, penetration testing, and CTF challenges. It allows for the extraction…

2 years ago

Thunderstorm : Modular Framework To Exploit UPS Devices

Thunderstorm is a modular framework to exploit UPS devices. For now, only the CS-141 and NetMan 204 exploits will be…

2 years ago

RedTeam-Physical-Tools : Red Team Toolkit Used In The Field For Physical Security, Red Teaming, And Tactical Covert Entry

Red Team Toolkit is a curated list of tools that are commonly used in the field for Physical Security, Red…

2 years ago

X-force : IBM Security Utilitary Library In Python

X-force, IBM Security utilitary library in python. Search and query all sources: threat_activities and groups, malware_analysis, industries Install pip3 install…

2 years ago

Cortex-XDR-Config-Extractor : Cortex XDR Config Extractor

Cortex-XDR-Config-Extractor tool is meant to be used during Red Team Assessments and to audit the XDR Settings. With this tool…

2 years ago