Kali Linux

Rtl_433 : Program To Decode Radio Transmissions From Devices On The ISM Bands

Rtl_433 (despite the name) is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz (SRD), 315 MHz, 345…

4 years ago

LightMe : HTTP Server Serving Obfuscated Power shell Scripts/Payloads

LightMe is a Simple HTTP Server serving Power shell Scripts/Payloads after Obfuscate them and run obfuscation as a service in…

4 years ago

PackageDNA : Tool To Analyze Software Packages Of Different Programming Languages That Are Being Or Will Be Used In Their Codes

PackageDNA gives developers, researchers and companies the ability to analyze software packages of different programming languages that are being or…

4 years ago

FisherMan : CLI Program That Collects Information From Facebook User Profiles Via Selenium

FisherMan is a CLI Program That Collects Information From Facebook User Profiles Via Selenium Installation #clone the repo$ git clone…

4 years ago

REW-sploit : Emulate And Dissect MSF And *Other* Attacks

REW-sploit is a tool to Emulate And Dissect MSF And Other Attacks. Need help in analyzing Windows shellcode or attack…

4 years ago

Allstar : GitHub App To Set And Enforce Security Policies

Allstar is a GitHub App installed on organizations or repositories to set and enforce security policies. Its goal is to…

4 years ago

AuraBorealisApp : A Tool For Visualizing Python Package Registry Security Audit Data

AuraBorealis is a web application for visualizing anomalous and potentially malicious code in Python package registries. It uses security audit…

4 years ago

PowerShell Armoury : A PowerShell Armoury For Security Guys And Girls

PowerShell Armoury is meant for pentesters, "insert-color-here"-teamers and everyone else who uses a variety of PowerShell tools during their engagements.…

4 years ago

Sniffle : A Sniffer For Bluetooth 5 And 4.X LE

Sniffle is a sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x (LE) using TI CC1352/CC26x2 hardware. Sniffle has a number of useful…

4 years ago

SGXRay : Automating Vulnerability Detection for SGX Apps

SGXRay is a tool for Automating Vulnerability Detection for SGX Apps Intel SGX protects isolated application logic and sensitive data…

4 years ago