Kali Linux

TSharkVM : TShark + ELK Analytics Virtual Machine

tsharkVM, this project builds virtual machine which can be used for analytics of tshark -T ek (ndjson) output. The virtual…

4 years ago

CSIRT-Collect : PowerShell Script To Collect Memory And (Triage) Disk Forensics

CSIRT-Collect is a PowerShell script to collect memory and (triage) disk forensics for incident response investigations. The script leverages a…

4 years ago

Cerbrutus : Network Brute Force Tool, Written In Python

Cerbrutus is a Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in…

4 years ago

Ruse : Mobile Camera-Based Application That Attempts To Alter Photos To Preserve Their Utility To Humans While Making Them Unusable For Facial Recognition Systems

Ruse is a mobile camera-based application that attempts to alter photos to preserve their utility to humans while making them…

4 years ago

LightMe : HTTP Server Serving Obfuscated Power shell Scripts/Payloads

LightMe is a Simple HTTP Server serving Power shell Scripts/Payloads after Obfuscate them and run obfuscation as a service in…

4 years ago

Rtl_433 : Program To Decode Radio Transmissions From Devices On The ISM Bands (And Other Frequencies)

Rtl_433 (despite the name) is a generic data receiver, mainly for the 433.92 MHz, 868 MHz (SRD), 315 MHz, 345…

4 years ago

Sniffle : A Sniffer For Bluetooth 5 And 4.X LE

Sniffle is a sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x (LE) using TI CC1352/CC26x2 hardware. Sniffle has a number of useful…

4 years ago

Radare2 : UNIX-like Reverse Engineering Framework And Command-Line Toolset

Radare2 is a rewrite from scratch of radare. It provides a set of libraries, tools and plugins to ease reverse…

4 years ago

Personal Cybersecurity Tips

The increased use of technological devices has increased cybersecurity threats. Technology is constantly advancing, and the use of the internet…

4 years ago

What Makes a Great Online Game?

Games like Fortnite or League of Legends don't become a huge sensation for no reason they usually share a set…

4 years ago