S3-Account-Search tool lets you find the account id an S3 bucket belongs too. For this to work you need to…
WAF-A-MoLE is a guided mutation-based fuzzer for ML-based Web Application Firewalls, inspired by AFL and based on the FuzzingBook by Andreas Zeller et al.…
AWS Pen-Testing Laboratory deployed as IaC with Terraform on AWS. It deploys a Kali Linux instance accessible via ssh &…
Heappy is an editor based on gdb/gef that helps you to handle the heap during your exploitation development.The project should…
Fully-Homomorphic-Encryption, this repository contains open-source libraries and tools to perform fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) operations on an encrypted data set.…
RomBuster is a router exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network router admin password. Features Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular…
CamOver is a camera exploitation tool that allows to disclosure network camera admin password. Features Exploits vulnerabilities in most popular…
Shreder is a powerful multi-threaded SSH protocol password brute-force tool. Features Very fast password guessing, just one password in 0.1 second.Optimized for…
BlobHunter is an opensource tool for scanning Azure blob storage accounts for publicly opened blobs.BlobHunter is a part of "Hunting…
SharpHook is inspired by the SharpRDPThief project, It uses various API hooks in order to give us the desired credentials. In…