Pentesting Tools

Script Overview – Decoding GootLoader Payloads And Obfuscations

In the intricate realm of cyber threats, GootLoader emerges as a formidable challenge. This article delves deep into the intricacies…

12 months ago

HyperDbg v0.6-beta: Advanced Debugging & Memory Upgrades

If you’re enjoying HyperDbg, don’t forget to give a star on GitHub! Please visit Build & Install to configure the environment for…

12 months ago

RedPersist – Advanced Windows Persistence in C#

In the evolving landscape of system management, maintaining application persistence is paramount. 'RedPersist' stands out as a robust solution, offering…

12 months ago

ProtoBurp++: Elevating Protobuf Security Research

A game-changer in cybersecurity tooling, designed to take Protobuf fuzzing and encoding in Burp Suite to new heights. Dive in…

12 months ago

BucketLoot – An Automated S3 Bucket Inspector

Thousands of S3 buckets are left open on the internet, which makes them an easy target for bad people who…

12 months ago

ACLToolkit – The Ultimate ACL Abuse Toolkit Guide

In the intricate world of cyber security, managing and understanding access control lists (ACLs) becomes paramount. 'acltoolkit' emerges as a…

12 months ago

CakeFuzzer – Vulnerability Detection for CakePHP

Cake Fuzzer is a project that is meant to help automatically and continuously discover vulnerabilities in web applications created based…

12 months ago

DorXNG – Advanced OSINT via Meta-Search & Tor

DorXNG is a modern solution for harvesting OSINT data using advanced search engine operators through multiple upstream search providers. On the backend,…

1 year ago

Naabu – Fast and Efficient Port Scanner

Naabu is a powerful port scanning utility designed in the Go programming language, enabling fast and efficient port enumeration. Designed…

1 year ago

CatSniffer – The Ultimate Multiprotocol IoT Attack Tool in USB Form

CatSniffer is an original multiprotocol, and multiband board made for sniffing, communicating, and attacking IoT (Internet of Things) devices. It…

1 year ago