ShonyDanza is a customizable, easy-to-navigate tool for researching, pen testing, and defending with the power of Shodan. With ShonyDanza, you…
ClusterFuzzLite is a continuous fuzzing solution that runs as part of Continuous Integration (CI) workflows to find vulnerabilities faster than ever before. With just…
Facebook is already an essential part of our lives as it has become the center of our casual discussions, socializing,…
Many small and medium-sized business owners mistakenly believe that their businesses will not fall victim to cyberattacks due to low…
The CDN acronym stands for "content delivery network". The majority of web traffic today is served through such networks: Amazon,…
The best form of defense against a Trojan horse attack is prevention. Always ensure that the emails, websites, and links…
Smersh is a pentest oriented collaborative tool used to track the progress of your company's missions and generate rapport. Preview…
Programming has been one of the most lucrative and promising career paths for the last couple of decades, and it…
Front-end development is a mix of development, technology, trends, design, graphic, usability, and creativity that is responsible for everything, what’s…
SEO refers to the method of creating an internet site that lot of visibility on a probe engine’s results page.…