Cot is a cutting-edge, batteries-included web framework for the Rust programming language. Inspired by Django, Cot aims to simplify web development by offering an intuitive, type-safe, and feature-rich environment.

Built on top of the powerful Axum library, Cot is designed to make web development in Rust accessible and efficient.

Key Features

  1. Easy-to-Use API
    Cot’s API is modeled after Django, providing sensible defaults for rapid development while maintaining flexibility. Its comprehensive documentation ensures a smooth learning curve for both beginners and experienced developers.
  2. Integrated ORM
    Cot includes its own Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, making database interactions seamless. Rust types serve as the source of truth, with automatic migrations simplifying database management.
  3. Type Safety
    Leveraging Rust’s robust type system, Cot minimizes runtime errors by catching issues during compile time. This applies across views, templates, the ORM, and even the admin panel.
  4. Built-in Admin Panel
    Cot provides an out-of-the-box admin panel for managing application data. Adding models is straightforward, making it ideal for rapid prototyping and debugging while remaining customizable for production use.
  5. Security by Default
    Security is prioritized in Cot, with built-in defenses against common vulnerabilities. Developers can focus on building applications without worrying about securing them manually.
  6. Performance
    By utilizing Rust’s performance capabilities, Cot ensures high-speed execution without sacrificing developer convenience.

While promising, Cot is still in its early stages and not yet production-ready. It invites developers to explore its features and contribute feedback to shape its future.

To begin using Cot:

bash$ cargo install cot-cli
$ cot new my_project

This command sets up a project with a predefined structure, ready for development.

Cot is dual-licensed under the Apache 2.0 and MIT licenses, allowing flexibility for contributors and users alike.

Cot represents a significant step forward in Rust web development, combining ease of use with Rust’s inherent safety and performance features.


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