Kali Linux

dnsReaper : Subdomain Takeover Tool For Attackers, Bug Bounty Hunters And The Blue Team!

DNS Reaper is yet another sub-domain takeover tool, but with an emphasis on accuracy, speed and the number of signatures in our arsenal!

We can scan around 50 subdomains per second, testing each one with over 50 takeover signatures. This means most organisations can scan their entire DNS estate in less than 10 seconds.

You can use DNS Reaper as an attacker or bug hunter!

You can run it by providing a list of domains in a file, or a single domain on the command line. DNS Reaper will then scan the domains with all of its signatures, producing a CSV file.

You can use DNS Reaper as a defender!

You can run it by letting it fetch your DNS records for you! Yes that’s right, you can run it with credentials and test all your domain config quickly and easily. DNS Reaper will connect to the DNS provider and fetch all your records, and then test them.

We currently support AWS Route53, Cloudflare, and Azure. Documentation on adding your own provider can be found here

You can use DNS Reaper as a DevSecOps Pro!

Punk Security are a DevSecOps company, and DNS Reaper has its roots in modern security best practice.

You can run DNS Reaper in a pipeline, feeding it a list of domains that you intend to provision, and it will exit Non-Zero if it detects a takeover is possible. You can prevent takeovers before they are even possible!


To run DNS Reaper, you can use the docker image or run it with python 3.10.

Findings are returned in the output and more detail is provided in a local “results.csv” file. We also support json output as an option.

Run it with docker

docker run punksecurity/dnsreaper –help

Run it with python

pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py –help

Common commands

  • Scan AWS account:docker run punksecurity/dnsreaper aws --aws-access-key-id <key> --aws-access-key-secret <secret>For more information, see the documentation for the aws provider
  • Scan all domains from file:docker run -v $(pwd):/etc/dnsreaper punksecurity/dnsreaper file --filename /etc/dnsreaper/<filename>
  • Scan single domaindocker run punksecurity/dnsreaper single --domain <domain>
  • Scan single domain and output to stdout:You should either redirect the stderr output or save stdout output with >docker run punksecurity/dnsreaper single --domain <domain> --out stdout --out-format=json > output

Full usage

      ____              __   _____                      _ __
     / __ \__  ______  / /__/ ___/___  _______  _______(_) /___  __
    / /_/ / / / / __ \/ //_/\__ \/ _ \/ ___/ / / / ___/ / __/ / / /
   / ____/ /_/ / / / / ,<  ___/ /  __/ /__/ /_/ / /  / / /_/ /_/ /
  /_/    \__,_/_/ /_/_/|_|/____/\___/\___/\__,_/_/  /_/\__/\__, /
                                         PRESENTS         /____/
                          DNS Reaper ☠️
         Scan all your DNS records for subdomain takeovers!

.\main.py provider [options]
findings output to screen and (by default) results.csv
.\main.py –help
aws – Scan multiple domains by fetching them from AWS Route53
azure – Scan multiple domains by fetching them from Azure DNS services
bind – Read domains from a dns BIND zone file, or path to multiple
cloudflare – Scan multiple domains by fetching them from Cloudflare
file – Read domains from a file, one per line
single – Scan a single domain by providing a domain on the commandline
zonetransfer – Scan multiple domains by fetching records via DNS zone transfer
positional arguments:
h, –help Show this help message and exit
out OUT Output file (default: results) – use ‘stdout’ to stream out
out-format {csv,json}
resolver RESOLVER
Provide a custom DNS resolver (or multiple seperated by commas)
parallelism PARALLELISM
Number of domains to test in parallel – too high and you may see odd DNS results (default: 30)
disable-probable Do not check for probable conditions
enable-unlikely Check for more conditions, but with a high false positive rate
signature SIGNATURE
Only scan with this signature (multiple accepted)
exclude-signature EXCLUDE_SIGNATURE
Do not scan with this signature (multiple accepted)
pipeline Exit Non-Zero on detection (used to fail a pipeline)
v, –verbose -v for verbose, -vv for extra verbose
nocolour Turns off coloured text
Scan multiple domains by fetching them from AWS Route53
aws-access-key-id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws-access-key-secret AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
Scan multiple domains by fetching them from Azure DNS services
az-subscription-id AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
az-tenant-id AZ_TENANT_ID
az-client-id AZ_CLIENT_ID
az-client-secret AZ_CLIENT_SECRET
Read domains from a dns BIND zone file, or path to multiple
bind-zone-file BIND_ZONE_FILE
Scan multiple domains by fetching them from Cloudflare
cloudflare-token CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN
Read domains from a file, one per line
filename FILENAME Required
Scan a single domain by providing a domain on the commandline
domain DOMAIN Required
Scan multiple domains by fetching records via DNS zone transfer
zonetransfer-nameserver ZONETRANSFER_NAMESERVER
zonetransfer-domain ZONETRANSFER_DOMAIN


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