GoSpider is a Fast web spider written in Go.
go get -u github.com/jaeles-project/gospider
Also Read – Burp Suite Extension For Generate A Random User Agents
Fast web spider written in Go – v1.1.0 by @theblackturtle
gospider [flags]
-s, –site string Site to crawl
-S, –sites string Site list to crawl
-p, –proxy string Proxy (Ex:
-o, –output string Output folder
-u, –user-agent string User Agent to use
web: random web user-agent
mobi: random mobile user-agent
or you can set your special user-agent (default “web”)
–cookie string Cookie to use (testA=a; testB=b)
-H, –header stringArray Header to use (Use multiple flag to set multiple header)
–burp string Load headers and cookie from burp raw http request
–blacklist string Blacklist URL Regex
-t, –threads int Number of threads (Run sites in parallel) (default 1)
-c, –concurrent int The number of the maximum allowed concurrent requests of the matching domains (default 5)
-d, –depth int MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs. (Set it to 0 for infinite recursion) (default 1)
-k, –delay int Delay is the duration to wait before creating a new request to the matching domains (second)
-K, –random-delay int RandomDelay is the extra randomized duration to wait added to Delay before creating a new request (second)
-m, –timeout int Request timeout (second) (default 10)
–sitemap Try to crawl sitemap.xml
–robots Try to crawl robots.txt (default true)
-a, –other-source Find URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com)
-w, –include-subs Include subdomains crawled from 3rd party. Default is main domain
-r, –include-other-source Also include other-source’s urls (still crawl and request)
–debug Turn on debug mode
-v, –verbose Turn on verbose
–no-redirect Disable redirect
–version Check version
-h, –help help for gospider
Example commands
Run with single site
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1
Run with site list
gospider -S sites.txt -o output -c 10 -d 1
Run with 20 sites at the same time with 10 bot each site
gospider -S sites.txt -o output -c 10 -d 1 -t 20
Also get URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com)
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1 –other-source
Also get URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com) and include subdomains
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1 –other-source –include-subs
Use custom header/cookies
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1 –other-source -H “Accept: /” -H “Test: test” –cookie “testA=a; testB=b”
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1 –other-source –burp burp_req.txt
Blacklist url/file extension.
P/s: gospider blacklisted .(jpg|jpeg|gif|css|tif|tiff|png|ttf|woff|woff2|ico) as default
gospider -s “https://google.com/” -o output -c 10 -d 1 –blacklist “.(woff|pdf)”
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