iOS Security Suite is an advanced and easy-to-use platform security & anti-tampering library written in pure Swift! If you are developing for iOS and you want to protect your app according to the OWASP MASVS standard, chapter v8, then this library could save you a lot of time.
What ISS detects:
There are 4 ways you can start using IOSSecuritySuite
Add IOSSecuritySuite/*.swift
files to your project
pod 'IOSSecuritySuite'
github "securing/IOSSecuritySuite"
.package(url: “”, from: “1.5.0”)
After adding ISS to your project, you will also need to update your main Info.plist. There is a check in jailbreak detection module that uses canOpenURL(_:)
method and requires specifying URLs that will be queried.
if IOSSecuritySuite.amIJailbroken() {
print(“This device is jailbroken”)
} else {
print(“This device is not jailbroken”)
Verbose, if you also want to know what indicators were identified
let jailbreakStatus = IOSSecuritySuite.amIJailbrokenWithFailMessage()
if jailbreakStatus.jailbroken {
print(“This device is jailbroken”)
print(“Because: (jailbreakStatus.failMessage)”)
} else {
print(“This device is not jailbroken”)
The failMessage is a String containing comma-separated indicators as shown on the example below: Cydia URL scheme detected, Suspicious file exists: /Library/MobileSubstrate/MobileSubstrate.dylib, Fork was able to create a new process
let jailbreakStatus = IOSSecuritySuite.amIJailbrokenWithFailedChecks()
if jailbreakStatus.jailbroken {
if (jailbreakStatus.failedChecks.contains { $0.check == .existenceOfSuspiciousFiles }) && (jailbreakStatus.failedChecks.contains { $0.check == .suspiciousFilesCanBeOpened }) {
print(“This is real jailbroken device”)
let amIDebugged: Bool = IOSSecuritySuite.amIDebugged()
Deny debugger at all
Emulator detector module
let runInEmulator: Bool = IOSSecuritySuite.amIRunInEmulator()
let amIRuntimeHooked: Bool = amIRuntimeHook(dyldWhiteList: dylds, detectionClass: SomeClass.self, selector: #selector(SomeClass.someFunction), isClassMethod: false)
Symbol hook deny module
// If we want to deny symbol hook of Swift function, we have to pass mangled name of that function
denySymbolHook(“$s10Foundation5NSLogyySS_s7CVarArg_pdtF”) // denying hooking for the NSLog function
NSLog(“Hello Symbol Hook”)
MSHook detector module
// Function declaration
func someFunction(takes: Int) -> Bool {
return false
// Defining FunctionType : @convention(thin) indicates a “thin” function reference, which uses the Swift calling convention with no special “self” or “context” parameters.
typealias FunctionType = @convention(thin) (Int) -> (Bool)
// Getting pointer address of function we want to verify
func getSwiftFunctionAddr(_ function: @escaping FunctionType) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return unsafeBitCast(function, to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self)
let funcAddr = getSwiftFunctionAddr(someFunction)
let amIMSHooked = IOSSecuritySuite.amIMSHooked(funcAddr)
File integrity verifier module
// Determine if application has been tampered with
if IOSSecuritySuite.amITampered([.bundleID(“biz.securing.FrameworkClientApp”),
.machO(“IOSSecuritySuite”, “6d8d460b9a4ee6c0f378e30f137cebaf2ce12bf31a2eef3729c36889158aa7fc”)]).result {
print(“I have been Tampered.”)
else {
print(“I have not been Tampered.”)
// Manually verify SHA256 hash value of a loaded dylib
if let hashValue = IOSSecuritySuite.getMachOFileHashValue(.custom(“IOSSecuritySuite”)), hashValue == “6d8d460b9a4ee6c0f378e30f137cebaf2ce12bf31a2eef3729c36889158aa7fc” {
print(“I have not been Tampered.”)
else {
print(“I have been Tampered.”)
// Check SHA256 hash value of the main executable
// Tip: Your application may retrieve this value from the server
if let hashValue = IOSSecuritySuite.getMachOFileHashValue(.default), hashValue == “your-application-executable-hash-value” {
print(“I have not been Tampered.”)
else {
print(“I have been Tampered.”)
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