In a modern world where email is so important, it’s very important to keep it safe. MailChecker becomes a key option because it can check emails in more than one language and in more advanced ways.
It does more than just check the format of email addresses to find temporary and spam ones. It has a library of over 55,000 disposable email domains. This tool can be used with many computer languages, which makes it an important tool for real and smooth digital communication.
This piece talks about the cool new features of MailChecker and how it helps make emails more reliable and keep users interested.
Cross-language email validation. Backed by a database of over 55 000 throwable email domains.
for PHP)This will be very helpful when you have to contact your users and you want to avoid errors causing lack of communication or want to block “spamboxes”
# import using the fully qualified name.
use Fgribreau\MailChecker;
// ...
echo MailChecker::isValid('');
Mailchecker public API has been normalized, here are the changes:
-> MailChecker.isValid(email)
-> MailChecker::isValid($email)
import MailChecker
m = MailChecker.MailChecker()
if not m.is_valid(''):
# ...
import MailChecker
if not MailChecker.is_valid(''):
# ...
MailChecker currently supports:
var MailChecker = require('mailchecker');
console.error('O RLY !');
console.error('O RLY !');
<script type="text/javascript" src="MailChecker/platform/javascript/MailChecker.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.error('O RLY !');
console.error('O RLY !');
use Fgribreau\MailChecker;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
die('O RLY !');
die('O RLY !');
pip install mailchecker
# no package yet; just drop in where you want to use it.
from MailChecker import MailChecker
if not MailChecker.is_valid(''):
print "O RLY !"
Django validator:
require 'mail_checker'
unless MailChecker.valid?('')
fail('O RLY!')
extern crate mailchecker;
assert_eq!(true, mailchecker::is_valid(""));
assert_eq!(false, mailchecker::is_valid("\\n"));
assert_eq!(false, mailchecker::is_valid(""));
Code.require_file("mail_checker.ex", "mailchecker/platform/elixir/")
unless MailChecker.valid?("") do
raise "O RLY !"
unless MailChecker.valid?("") do
raise "O RLY !"
; no package yet; just drop in mailchecker.clj where you want to use it.
(load-file "platform/clojure/mailchecker.clj")
(if (not (mailchecker/valid? ""))
(throw (Throwable. "O RLY!")))
(if (not (mailchecker/valid? ""))
(throw (Throwable. "O RLY!")))
package main
import (
if !mail_checker.IsValid('') {
log.Fatal('O RLY !');
if !mail_checker.IsValid('') {
log.Fatal("O RLY !")
go get
npm install mailchecker
gem install ruby-mailchecker
composer require fgribreau/mailchecker
$('td', 'table:last').map(function(){
return this.innerText;
}).toArray();'.entry > ul > li a')).map(function(el){return el.innerText});
Just run (requires NodeJS):
npm run build
Development environment requires docker.
# install and setup every language dependencies in parallel through docker
npm install
# run every language setup in parallel through docker
npm run setup
# run every language tests in parallel through docker
npm test
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