Malice mission is to be a free open source version of VirusTotal that anyone can use at any scale from an independent researcher to a fortune 500 company.
Try It Out
Username: malice
Password: ecilam
Also Read : CIRTKit : Tools for the Computer Incident Response Team
$ brew install maliceio/tap/malice
Usage: malice [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg…]
Open Source Malware Analysis Framework
Version: 0.3.11
blacktop –
–debug, -D Enable debug mode [$MALICE_DEBUG]
–help, -h show help
–version, -v print the version
scan Scan a file
watch Watch a folder
lookup Look up a file hash
elk Start an ELK docker container
plugin List, Install or Remove Plugins
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Run ‘malice COMMAND –help’ for more information on a command.
Scan some malware
$ malice scan evil.malware
NOTE: On the first run malice will download all of it’s default plugins which can take a while to complete.
Malice will output the results as a markdown table that can be piped or copied into a that will look great on Github see here
Start Malice’s Web UI
$ malice elk
You can open the Kibana UI and look at the scan results here: http://localhost (assuming you are using Docker for Mac)
Getting Started (Docker in Docker)
Install/Update all Plugins
docker run –rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock malice/engine plugin update –all
Scan a file
docker run –rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v pwd
:/malice/samples \
malice/engine scan SAMPLE
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