KnockOutlook : A Little Tool To Play With Outlook
KnockOutlook is a C# project that interacts with Outlook's COM object in order to perform a number of operations useful in red team engagements. Command Line Usage _ _ _ _ _ _ / /// / // _ _ / // / _ / /_ / ,< / _ / _ / / /// / / / / / / /...
Assless-Chaps : Crack MSCHAPv2 Challenge/Responses Quickly Using A Database Of NT Hashes
Assless-CHAPs is an efficient way to recover the NT hash used in a MSCHAPv2/NTLMv1 exchange if you have the challenge and response (e.g. from a WiFi EAP WPE attack). It requires a database of NT hashes, instructions on how to make these from existing lists or using hashcat with wordlists and rules are available below. I've included a sample database...
403Bypasser : Automates The Techniques Used To Circumvent Access Control Restrictions On Target Pages
403bypasser automates the techniques used to circumvent access control restrictions on target pages. 403bypasser will continue to be improved and it is open to contributions. Installation Clone the repository to your machine. git clone required modules by running the code pip install -r requirements.txtREADY! Usage Arguments ArgumentDescriptionExamplesNote-usingle URL to scan or these example usages are interpreted in the same way-Upath to list of URLs./urllist.txt, ../../urllist.txt, etc.Just provide the path...
SigFlip : A Tool For Patching Authenticode Signed PE Files
SigFlip is a tool for patching authenticode signed PE files (exe, dll, sys ..etc) in a way that doesn't affect or break the existing authenticode signature, in other words you can change PE file checksum/hash by embedding data (i.e shellcode) without breaking the file signature, integrity checks or PE file functionality. SigInject encrypts and injects shellcode into a PE file's...
Fpicker : A Frida-based Fuzzing Suite Supporting Various Modes
Fpicker is a Frida-based fuzzing suite that offers a variety of fuzzing modes for in-process fuzzing, such as an AFL++ mode or a passive tracing mode. It should run on all platforms that are supported by Frida. Installation InstructionsBuilding and RunningCreating a Fuzzing HarnessModes and Configuration Some background information and the thoughts and ideas behind fpicker can be found in a blogpost I...
TIGMINT : OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) GUI Software Framework
TIGMINT is an OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) software framework with an objective of making cyber investigations more convinient by implementing abstraction mechanisms to hide the background technical complexity also bundling different analysis techniques for social media Intelligence together providing a simple intuitive web interface for the user to work with. Preview Modules Our Team Documentation Account Finder Twitter Analyser Working Tool Screenshots Local Setup Requirements Python 3.6;beautifulsoup4;Nodejs;matplotlib;pandas;NPM;nltk; Windows Setup Issues For windows users, if the...
PEzor : Open-Source Shellcode And PE Packer
PEzor is a Open-Source Shellcode And PE Packer. Installation The is designed to work on a Kali Linux distro. $ git clone$ cd PEzor$ sudo bash$ bash -h Upgrading from v2.x.x The PATH variable has to be updated to use a specific commit of Donut! Check the updated script. Usage PEzor -hPEzor <EXECUTABLE> PEzor <SHELLCODE> PEzor help display help for PEzor USAGE$ PEzor help PEzor <EXECUTABLE> Pack the provided executable into a...
Reg1c1de : Registry Permission Scanner For Finding Potential Privesc Avenues Within Registry
Reg1c1de is a tool that scans specified registry hives and reports on any keys where the user has write permissions In addition, if any registry values are found that contain file paths with certain file extensions and they are writeable, these will be reported as well. More information on this tool and it's use can be found in the related...
Ligolo-Ng : An Advanced, Yet Simple, Tunneling/Pivoting Tool That Uses A TUN Interface
Ligolo-Ng is a simple, lightweight and fast tool that allows pentesters to establish tunnels from a reverse TCP/TLS connection without the need of SOCKS. Features Tun interface (No more SOCKS!)Simple UI with agent selection and network informationEasy to use and setupAutomatic certificate configuration with Let's EncryptPerformant (Multiplexing)Does not require high privilegesSocket listening/binding on the agentMultiple platforms supported for the agent How Is This Different From Ligolo/Chisel/Meterpreter... ? Instead of using a SOCKS proxy or...
MEAT : This Toolkit Aims To Help Forensicators Perform Different Kinds Of Acquisitions On iOS Devices
MEAT aims to help forensicators perform different kinds of acquisitions on iOS devices (and Android in the future). Requirements to run from source Windows or LinuxPython 3.7.4 or 3.7.2Pip packages seen in requirements.txt Types of Acquisitions Supported iOS Devices Logical Using the logical acquisition flag on MEAT will instruct the tool to extract files and folders accessible through AFC on jailed devices. The specific folder...