OSV : Open Source Vulnerabilities


OSV is a vulnerability database and triage infrastructure for open source projects aimed at helping both open source maintainers and consumers of open source. For open source maintainers, OSV's automation helps reduce the burden of triage. Each vulnerability undergoes automated bisection and impact analysis to determine precise affected commit and version ranges. For open source consumers, OSV provides an API that...

UDdup : Urls De-Duplication Tool For Better Recon


UDdup tool gets a list of URLs, and removes "duplicate" pages in the sense of URL patterns that are probably repetitive and points to the same web template. For example: https://www.example.com/product/123 https://www.example.com/product/456 https://www.example.com/product/123?is_prod=false https://www.example.com/product/222?is_debug=true All the above are probably points to the same product "template". Therefore it should be enough to scan only some of these URLs by our various scanners. The...

Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application


Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application is an intentionally vulnerable implementation of Facebook's GraphQL technology, to learn and practice GraphQL Security. About DVGA Damn Vulnerable GraphQL is a deliberately weak and insecure implementation of GraphQL that provides a safe environment to attack a GraphQL application, allowing developers and IT professionals to test for vulnerabilities. DVGA has numerous flaws, such as Injections, Code Executions, Bypasses,...

BaphoDashBoard : Dashboard For Manage & Generate The Baphomet Ransomware


With this proyect we will be able to handle the data of the victims we obtain with Baphomet Ransomware. BaphoDashBoard is developed in C# under frame work dotnet-core 3.1. Both Baphomet Ransomware and BaphoDashBoard proyects are thrown out for educational purposes and so we can get something out of it to learn new things. DashBoard Features Generate .exe to encrypt data.Generate...

C++ Assignment Help: Everything You Need to Know


Do you have a lot of assignments to work on and no idea how to get done with all of them on time? This article has all the info you need to know about online assignment help and its benefits. Take a look at the details down below to see if using a c++ assignment help is a good...

XSSTRON : Electron JS Browser To Find XSS Vulnerabilities


XSSTRON is a powerful Chromium Browser to find XSS Vulnerabilities automatically while browsing web, it can detect many case scenarios with support for POST requests too. Installation Install Node.js and npm (https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) or (sudo apt install npm)Download this repo files or (git clone https://github.com/RenwaX23/XSSTRON)cd XSSTRONnpm installnpm start Some users using Debian/Ubuntu might not able to run the tool as i think it's...

10 Best Linux Educational Software for Students


As a student, you should always be looking for new tools, software, paper writer online and resources that can help you with different subjects and assignments. Linux is an open-source operating system that students gladly use thanks to the amazing educational software it offers. If you're not sure what Linux has to offer but would like to start using...

What is DNS Filtering and How to Use It for Safe Browsing


In the simplest terms, Domain Name System (DNS) filtering is a method by which users of home, school, and work computers and smart devices can be prevented from accessing specific websites in an effort to keep them safer online while also keeping the devices they use safer from being infected with malware, viruses, and other malicious downloads. When you use...

Pineapple MK7 REST Client : WiFi Hacking Workflow With Pineapple Mark 7 API


PINEAPPLE MK7 REST CLIENT is a leading rogue access point and WiFi pentest toolkit for close access operations. It is also a passive and active attacks analyze vulnerable and mis-configured devices. Usage See/edit/execute the files in the samples/ folder System Authentication accessors/method system = PineappleMK7::System.new() system.host = (string) ""system.host()system.port = (string) "1471"system.port()system.mac = (string) "00:13:37:DD:EE:FF"system.mac()system.password = (string) "P@55w0rD"system.login() host(), port() and mac() accessors return string login()...

K55 : Linux X86_64 Process Injection Utility


The K55 payload injection tool is used for injecting x86_64 shellcode payloads into running processes. The utility was developed using modern C++11 techniques as well as some traditional C linux functions like ptrace(). The shellcode spawned in the target process is 27 bytes and it executes /bin/sh (spawns a bash shell) within the target's address space. In the future,...