Okadminfinder : Admin Panel Finder / Admin Login Page Finder


OKadminFinder is an Apache2 Licensed utility, rewritten in Python 3.x, for admins/pentesters who want to find admin panel of a website. There are many other tools but not as effective and secure. Yeah, Okadminfinder has the the ability to use tor and hide your identity. Requirements Linux sudo apt install tor sudo apt install python3-socks (optional) pip3 install...

Lazyrecon : Automate Your Reconnaissance Process In An Organized Fashion


LazyRecon is a script written in Bash, it is intended to automate some tedious tasks of reconnaissance and information gathering. This tool allows you to gather some information that should help you identify what to do next and where to look. Main Features Create a dated folder with recon notes Grab subdomains using: * Sublist3r, certspotter and cert.sh *...

Path Auditor : Detecting Unsafe Path Access Patterns


The Path Auditor is a tool meant to find file access related vulnerabilities by auditing libc functions. Path Auditor idea is roughly as follows: Audit every call to filesystem related libc functions performed by the binary.Check if the path used in the syscall is user-writable. In this case an unprivileged user could have replaced a directory or file with a symlink.Log all violations...

Most Important Security Tips to Protect Your Website From Hackers


Do you think they need your date? Do you think they need access to your credit cards? There is something more valuable for hackers than you think. One of the main targets of modern hackers is to get access to your servers. It allows them to use it as an email relay for spam. But what else they can do...

Automatic API Attack Tool 2019


Automatic API Attack Tool is a imperva's customizable API attack tool takes an API specification as an input, generates and runs attacks that are based on it as an output. Automatic API Attack tool is able to parse an API specification and create fuzzing attack scenarios based on what is defined in the API specification. Each endpoint...

Silver : Mass Scan IPs For Vulnerable Services


masscan is fast, nmap can fingerprint software and vulners is a huge vulnerability database. Silver is a front-end that allows complete utilization of these programs by parsing data, spawning parallel processes, caching vulnerability data for faster scanning over time and much more. Features Resumable scanningSlack notificationsmulti-core utilizationVulnerability data cachingSmart Shodan integration* *Shodan integration is optional but when linked, it can ...

Secretx : Extracting API keys & Secrets By Requesting Each URL At The Your List


Secretx is a tool which is mainly used for extracting api keys and secrets by requesting each url at the your list. Installation python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt Also Read - Exist : Web App For Aggregating & Analyzing Cyber Threat Intelligence Usage python3 secretx.py --list urlList.txt --threads 15 optional arguments: --help --colorless Download

ReconCobra : Complete Automated Pentest Framework For Information Gathering


ReconCobra is a complete Automated pentest framework for Information Gathering and it will tested on Kali, Parrot OS, Black Arch, Termux, Android Led TV. Introduction It is useful in Banks, Private Organizations and Ethical hacker personnel for legal auditing.It serves as a defense method to find as much as information possible for gaining unauthorized access and intrusion.With the emergence of more...

NodeCrypto : Linux Ransomware Written In NodeJs


NodeCrypto is a Linux Ransomware written in NodeJs that encrypt predefined files. This project was created for educational purposes, you are the sole responsible for the use of it. Install Server Upload all file of server/ folder on your webserver.Create a sql database and import sql/nodeCrypto.sqlEdit server/libs/db.php and add your SQL ID. Install & Run git clone https://github.com/atmoner/nodeCrypto.gitcd nodeCrypto && npm installcd...

PBTK : A Toolset For Reverse Engineering & Fuzzing Protobuf-Based Apps


PBTK is a tool that can be used for reverse engineering and fuzzing protobuf based application. Protobuf is a serialization format developed by Google and used in an increasing number of Android, web, desktop and more applications. It consists of a language for declaring data structures, which is then compiled to code or another kind of structure depending...