Sniffglue : Secure Multithreaded Packet Sniffer


Sniffglue is a network sniffer written in rust. Network packets are parsed concurrently using a thread pool to utilize all cpu cores. Project goals are that you can run sniffglue securely on untrusted networks and that it must not crash when processing packets. The output should be as useful as possible by default. Usage sniffglue enp0s25 Installation There is an official package...

H2Buster : A Threaded, Recursive, Web Directory Brute-Force Scanner Over HTTP/2


H2Buster is a threaded, recursive, web directory brute-force scanner over HTTP/2 using hyper, inspired by Gobuster. Following are the features; Fast and portable - install hyper and run.Multiconnection scanning.Multithreaded connections.Scalable: scans can be as docile or aggressive as you configure them to be.h2 and h2c support.Configurable directory recursion depth.Multiplatform: works on both Linux and Windows (OS X is to be tested). Also Read...

SSHD Poison : A Tool To Get Creds Of Pam Based SSHD Authentication


SSHD Poison is a tool to get creds of pam based sshd authentication, this is not the easiest way to do that (you can create a pam module, or just add auth optional quiet expose_authtok /bin/bash -c {read,-r,x};{echo,-e,"`env`n$x"}>>somefile in a service configuration), not even the stealthiest (the tool don't have any mechanism to try hide yourself, and needs control the...

HiddenWall : Linux Kernel Module Generator For Custom Rules With Netfilter


HiddenWall is a Linux kernel module generator for custom rules with netfilter. (block ports, Hidden mode, rootkit functions etc). The motivation: on bad situation, attacker can put your iptables/ufw to fal. But if you have HiddenWall, the attacker will not find the hidden kernel module that block external access, because have a hook to netfilter on kernel land(think like a...

Best SEO training course for beginners by moz in 2019


As the years are passing, businesses under different niches have reached millions of people for various reasons. Also, most of them are interested to work in reputed companies for various reasons. But the thing is not all the jobs are going to assure you to stay. Even we can see that millions of people are thrown out of companies...

Top Paying Pay per Click Affiliate Programs for Beginners


As the days are passing, millions of people are highly focusing on the businesses to begin in different ways. For information, they are getting a chance to handle the business but it is essential for them to make money in a quick time. However, one should keep it in mind that most of the businesses are mainly required to...

WAFw00f : Identify & Fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) Products Protecting A Website


WAFW00F identifies and fingerprints Web Application Firewall (WAF) products. To do its magic, WAFW00F does the following: Sends a normal HTTP request and analyses the response; this identifies a number of WAF solutions.If that is not successful, it sends a number of (potentially malicious) HTTP requests and uses simple logic to deduce which WAF it is.If that is also not...

IP Finder CLI : The Official Command Line Client For IPFinder


IP Finder CLI is the Official Command Line Client For IPFinder, singing up for a free account at, for Free IPFinder API access token. The free plan is limited to 4,000 requests a day, and doesn't include some of the data fields To enable all the data fields and additional request volumes see It include the following features; Supports Single IP Address,...

Vulnx : CMS & Vulnerabilities Detector & An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector


Vulnx is a cms and vulnerabilities detection, an intelligent auto shell injector, fast cms detection of target and fast scanner and information gathering like subdomains, ipaddresses, country, org, timezone, region, ans and more ... Instead of injecting shell and checking it works like all the other tools do, vulnx analyses the response with and recieve if shell success uploaded or no. vulnx...

WhatsSpy : Trace The Moves Of A WhatsApp User


WhatsSpy Public (not to confuse with WhatsSpy) is an web-oriented application that tracks every move on WhatsApp of whoever you like to follow (by only knowing their phonenumber). This application is setup as an Proof of Concept that WhatsApp is broken in terms of privacy. It keeps track of the following activities: Online/Offline status (even with privacy options set to...