Cuteit – IP Obfuscator Made to Make a Malicious IP a Bit Cuter
Cuteit IP obfuscator made to make a malicious ip a bit cuter. A simple python tool to help you to social engineer, bypass whitelisting firewalls, potentially break regex rules for command line logging looking for IP addresses and obfuscate cleartext strings to C2 locations within the payload. All of that is simply done with obfuscating ip...
Phantom-Evasion : Python AV Evasion Tool Capable to Generate FUD Executable Even With The Most Common 32 bit Metasploit Payload
Phantom-Evasion is an interactive antivirus evasion tool written in python capable to generate (almost) FUD executable even with the most common 32 bit msfvenom payload (lower detection ratio with 64 bit payloads). The aim of this tool is to make antivirus evasion an easy task for pentesters through the use of modules focused on polymorphic...
imago Forensics : A Python Tool That Extract Digital Evidences From Images
Imago is a python tool that extract digital evidences from images recursively. This tool is useful throughout a digital forensic investigation. If you need to extract digital evidences and you have a lot of images, through this tool you will be able to compare them easily. Imago allows to extract the evidences into a CSV file or in a...
VSHG : A Standalone Addon for GnuPG
VSHG aims to provide a memory / hardware resistant reinforcement to GnuPG's standared s2k key-derivation-function + a simplified interface for symmetric encryption . It ( Very secure hash generator ) is a standalone Addon for GnuPG ( Gnu privacy guard ) . It is written as a shell script and is designed around the Unix/Linux filesystem...
Angr : A Powerful & User-Friendly Binary Analysis Platform
Angr is a platform-agnostic binary analysis framework. It is a suite of Python 3 libraries that let you load a binary and do a lot of cool things to it: Disassembly and intermediate-representation liftingProgram instrumentationSymbolic executionControl-flow analysisData-dependency analysisValue-set analysis (VSA)Decompilation The most common angr operation is loading a binary: p = angr.Project('/bin/bash') If you do this in an enhanced REPL like...
Ntopng : Web-based Traffic & Security Network Traffic Monitoring
Ntopng is a web-based network traffic monitoring application released under GPLv3. It is the new incarnation of the original ntop written in 1998, and now revamped in terms of performance, usability, and features. If instead of source code you prefer to use a pre-built package, please go to We build binary packages for the following platforms: Ubuntu Linux...
HT-WPS-Breaker : High Touch WPS Breaker
High Touch HT-WPS-BREAKER is a small tool based on the bash script language, it can help you to extract the wps pin of many vulnerable routers and get the password, in the last i want to notice that HT-WPS Breaker in its process is using these tools : "Piexiewps" "Reaver" "Bully" "Aircrack Suite" "Wash" and some commands in automatic way to...
R3Con1Z3R : A Lightweight Web Information Gathering Tool With an Intuitive Features
R3con1z3r is a lightweight Web information gathering tool with an intuitive features written in python. it provides a powerful environment in which open source intelligence (OSINT) web-based foot printing can be conducted quickly and thoroughly. Footprinting is the first phase of ethical hacking, its the collection of every possible information regarding the target. R3con1z3r is a passive reconnaissance tool with...
nodeCrypto : Ransomware written in NodeJs
nodeCrypto is a Linux Ransomware written in NodeJs that encrypt predefined files. This project was created for educational purposes, you are the sole responsible for the use of nodeCrypto. Install server Upload all file of server/ folder on your webserver.Create a sql database and import sql/nodeCrypto.sqlEdit server/libs/db.php and add your SQL ID. Also Read : SALT – SLUB ALlocator Tracer for...
Hacking With BeEF- Fake Flash Update, Add-ons Installation, Stealing Facebook & Gmail Credentials
Hacking With BeEf, The Browser Exploitation Framework is a penetration testing tool which focuses strongly on web browsers. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF passes through the hardened network perimeters and client systems examining the web browser alone. How BeEf work? BeEF will hook up web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further, attacks the...