WebMap : Nmap Web Dashboard and Reporting


WebMap project is designed to run on a Docker container With Nmap Web Dashboard . IMHO it isn't a good idea to run this on a custom Django installation. Also ReadDocker-Inurlbr : Exploit GET / POST Capturing Emails & Urls WebMap Usage You should use this with docker, just by sending this command: $ mkdir /tmp/webmap $ docker run -d ...

Hackertarget : Tools And Network Intelligence To Help Organizations With Attack Surface Discovery


Hackertarget is a open source tools and network intelligence to help organizations with attack surface discovery and identification of security vulnerabilities. Identification of an organizations vulnerabilities is an impossible task without tactical intelligence on the network footprint. By combining open source intelligence with the worlds best open source security scanning tools, we enable your attack surface discovery. With the ability...

Invisi-Shell : Hide Your Powershell Script In Plain Sight(Bypass all Powershell security features)


Invisi-Shell is a tool used to hide your powershell script in plain sight! Invisi-Shell bypasses all of Powershell security features (ScriptBlock logging, Module logging, Transcription, AMSI) by hooking .Net assemblies. The hook is performed via CLR Profiler API. Invisi-Shell Usage Copy the compiled InvisiShellProfiler.dll from /x64/Release/ folder with the two batch files from the root directory (RunWithPathAsAdmin.bat & RunWithRegistryNonAdmin.bat) to...

Docker-Inurlbr : Exploit GET / POST Capturing Emails & Urls


Docker-Inurlbr is a advanced search in search engines, enables analysis provided to exploit GET / POST capturing emails & urls, with an internal custom validation junction for each target / url found. How to Build Docker-Inurlbr git clone https://github.com/gmdutra/docker-inurlbr.git cd docker-inurlbr docker build -t gmdutra/inurlbr . How to Run Docker-Inurlbr docker run --name inurlbr -it -d gmdutra/inurlbr Also ReadBFuzz – Fuzzing Chrome & Firefox Browsers HELP -h --help ...

SMWYG (Show-Me-What-You-Got) : Tool To Perform OSINT & Reconnaissance On An Organization or an Individual


SMWYG tool allows you to perform OSINT and reconnaissance on an organisation or an individual. It allows one to search 1.4 Billion clear text credentials which was dumped as part of BreachCompilation leak. This database makes finding passwords faster and easier than ever before. SMWYG Requirements Make sure you have installed the following: - Python 3.0 or later. - pip3 (sudo apt-get install...

Scannerl : The Modular Distributed Fingerprinting Engine


Scannerl is a modular distributed fingerprinting engine implemented by Kudelski Security. It can fingerprint thousands of targets on a single host, but can just as easily be distributed across multiple hosts. It is to fingerprinting what zmap is to port scanning. Scannerl works on Debian/Ubuntu/Arch (but will probably work on other distributions as well). It uses a master/slave architecture where...

Robber : Tool For Finding Executables Prone To DLL Hijacking


Robber is a free open source tool developed using Delphi XE2 without any 3rd party dependencies. So What Is DLL Hijacking? Windows has a search path for DLLs in its underlying architecture. If you can figure out what DLLs an executable requests without an absolute path (triggering this search process), you can then place your hostile DLL somewhere higher up the...

BlobRunner – Quickly Debug Shellcode Extracted During Malware Analysis


BlobRunner is a simple tool to quickly debug shellcode extracted during malware analysis. BlobRunner allocates memory for the target file and jumps to the base (or offset) of the allocated memory. This allows an analyst to quickly debug into extracted artifacts with minimal overhead and effort. BlobRunner Building Building the executable is straight forward and relatively painless. Requirements Download and install Microsoft Visual...

FindYara – IDA Python Plugin To Scan Binary With Yara Rules


FindYara uses IDA python plugin to scan your binary with yara rules. All the yara rule matches will be listed with their offset so you can quickly hop to them! FindYara Installation Install yara-python Using pip: pip install yara-python Other methods: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yara-python Copy FindYara.py to your IDA "plugins" directory Also ReadDarkSpiritz : A Penetration Testing Framework For Linux, MacOS, and Windows...

ADModule – Microsoft Signed ActiveDirectory PowerShell Module


ADModule is a Microsoft signed DLL for the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module. Just a backup for the Microsoft's ActiveDirectory PowerShell module from Server 2016 with RSAT and module installed. The DLL is usually found at this path: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassemblyGAC_64Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management and the rest of the module files at this path: C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0ModulesActiveDirectory Also ReadKillshot : Information gathering Tool ADModule Usage You can copy this DLL to your...