C2concealer : Command Line Tool That Generates Randomized C2 Malleable Profiles For Use In Cobalt Strike

C2concealer is a command line tool that generates randomized C2 malleable profiles for use in Cobalt Strike. Installation chmod u+x install.sh./install.sh Building Docker Image docker build -t C2concealer . Running with Docker docker container run -it -v <cobalt_strike_location>:/usr/share/cobaltstrike/ C2concealer –hostname google.com –variant 3 Example Usage Usage:$ C2concealer –hostname google.com –variant 3Flags:(optional)–hostnameThe hostname used in HTTP …

Passpie : Multiplatform Command-line Password Manager

Passpie is a command line tool to manage passwords from the terminal with a colorful and configurable interface. Use a master passphrase to decrypt login credentials, copy passwords to clipboard, syncronize with a git repository, check the state of your passwords, and more. Password files are encrypted using GnuPG and saved into yaml text files. Passpie supports Linux, OSX and Windows. …

Spyse : Python API Wrapper & Command-Line Client For The Tools Hosted On Spyse.com

Spyse is a developer of complete DAAS (Data-As-A-Service) solutions for Internet security professionals, corporate and remote system administrators, SSL / TLS encryption certificate providers, data centers and business analysts. All Spyse online solutions are represented by thematic services that have a single platform for collecting, processing and aggregating information. Supports the following APIs: DNStable FindSubdomains …

IP Finder CLI : The Official Command Line Client For IPFinder

IP Finder CLI is the Official Command Line Client For IPFinder, singing up for a free account at https://ipfinder.io/auth/signup, for Free IPFinder API access token. The free plan is limited to 4,000 requests a day, and doesn’t include some of the data fields To enable all the data fields and additional request volumes see https://ipfinder.io/pricing. It include …

Pwned – A Command-Line Tool For Querying The ‘Have I been Pwned?’ Service

A command-line tool for querying Troy Hunt’s Have I been pwned ? service using the hibp Node.js module. Pwned Installation Download and install Node.js, then install pwned globally using npm: npm install pwned -g Alternatively, you can run it on-demand using the npx package runner: npx pwned How To Ue ? pwned <command> Commands: pwned …

Nemesis – A Command Line Network Packet Crafting & Injecting Utility

The Nemesis Project is designed to be a command line based, portable human IP stack for UNIX-like and Windows systems. The suite is broken down by protocol, and should allow for useful scripting of injected packets from simple shell scripts. Nemesis Features ARP/RARP, DNS, ETHERNET, ICMP, IGMP, IP, OSPF, RIP, TCP and UDP protocol support …