APSoft Web Scanner V2 : Powerful Dork Searcher & Vulnerability Scanner For Windows Platform

APSoft Web Scanner V2 is a tool for Powerful Dork Searcher And Vulnerability Scanner For Windows Platform. Software Pictures What Can I Do With This ? with this software, you will be able to search your dorks in supported search engines and scan grabbed urls to find their vulnerabilities. in addition , you will be able to …

Go-Dork : The Fastest Dork Scanner Written In Go

Go-Dork is the fastest dork scanner written in Go. Install Download a prebuilt binary from releases page, unpack and run! or If you have go compiler installed and configured: > GO111MODULE=on go get -v github.com/dwisiswant0/go-dork/… Usage Basic Usage Simply, go-dork can be run with: > go-dork -q “inurl:’…’” Flags > go-dork -h This will display …