Flask Session Cookie Manager : Flask Session Cookie Decoder/Encoder

Flask Session Cookie Decoder/Encoder. Dependencies Python 2 or Python 3 itsdangerous Flask Installation BlackArch Linux # pacman -S flask-session-cookie-manager{3,2} Git ArchLinux Both python3 etn python2: $ git clone https://github.com/noraj/flask-session-cookie-manager.git && cd flask-session-cookie-manager # makepkg -sic Other Distros Find your way with your package manager, use pip in a virtual environment or use pyenv. Eg. $ …

SGN : A Polymorphic Binary Encoder For Offensive Security Purposes

SGN is a polymorphic binary encoder for offensive security purposes such as generating statically undetecable binary payloads. It uses a additive feedback loop to encode given binary instructions similar to LSFR. This project is the reimplementation of the original Shikata ga nai in golang with many improvements. How? & Why? For offensive security community, the …