Lucifer : A Powerful Penetration Tool For Automating Penetration Tasks

Lucifer is a Powerful Penetration Tool For Automating Penetration Tasks Such As Local Privilege Escalation, Enumeration, Exfiltration and Moreā€¦ Use Or Build Automation Modules To Speed Up Your Cyber Security Life git clone Luciferpip install -r requirements.txtpython –help If you want the cutting edge changes add -b dev to the end of git clone Commands …

RogueWinRM : Windows Local Privilege Escalation From Service Account To System

RogueWinRM is a local privilege escalation exploit that allows to escalate from a Service account (with SeImpersonatePrivilege) to Local System account if WinRM service is not running (default on Win10 but NOT on Windows Server 2019). Briefly, it will listen for incoming connection on port 5985 faking a real WinRM service.It’s just a minimal webserver …