Bento : A Minimal Fedora-Based Container For Penetration Tests

A bento (弁当, bentō) is a single-portion take-out or home-packed meal of Japanese origin. Bento Toolkit is a simple and minimal docker container for penetration testers and CTF players. It has the portability of Docker with the addition of X, so you can also run GUI application (like burp). Prerequisites To run bento you need …

Vulners-Scanner : Vulnerability Scanner Based On Audit API

Vulners-Scanner is a PoC host-based vulnerability scanner, which uses API. Detects operating system, collects installed packages and checks vulnerabilities in it. It currently support collecting packages for Debian-based (debian, kali, kali) and Rhel-based (redhat, centos, fedora) operating systems. Experimental support of detecting vulnerabilities in running docker containers (only advanced script). Need to activate it …