
Pingora : Cloudflare’s Rust-Powered Framework For Next-Gen Proxies

Pingora is a cutting-edge Rust framework designed to build fast, reliable, and programmable networked systems. Developed by Cloudflare, Pingora has…

4 weeks ago

DockerSpy : Hidden Secrets In Docker Images For Enhanced Security

DockerSpy is a powerful tool designed to perform Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on Docker Hub, a repository for sharing and…

4 weeks ago

Anki : The Smart Way To Memorize And Master New Information

Anki is a powerful, open-source flashcard software designed to enhance learning and memory retention through spaced repetition. The name "Anki"…

4 weeks ago

Rolldown : A Next-Generation JavaScript Bundler

Rolldown is an innovative JavaScript/TypeScript bundler written in Rust, designed to revolutionize the development workflow in Vite and beyond. It…

4 weeks ago

Invoke-ArgFuscator : A Tool For Command-Line Obfuscation

Invoke-ArgFuscator is an open-source, cross-platform PowerShell module designed to obfuscate command-line arguments for system-native executables. It provides a robust solution…

4 weeks ago

Morgan : Advanced JavaScript Security Analyzer

Morgan is an advanced JavaScript security analyzer designed to detect and mitigate sensitive data exposure in client-side JavaScript files. It…

4 weeks ago

Pool Party RS : Leveraging Windows Thread Pools For Advanced Process Injection

pool_party_rs is a cutting-edge remote process injection tool designed for cybersecurity research and penetration testing. It leverages advanced techniques described…

4 weeks ago

Leptos : The Modern Rust Framework For Reactive Web Development

Leptos is a modern, full-stack Rust web framework designed for building highly performant, reactive, and declarative user interfaces. It leverages…

4 weeks ago

Linera : Revolutionizing Web3 With Microchain Technology

Linera is a cutting-edge blockchain infrastructure designed to address the scalability and performance demands of Web3 applications. Its innovative approach…

4 weeks ago

Stifle : A Post-Exploitation Tool For Explicit Certificate Mapping In Active Directory

Stifle is a specialized .NET utility designed for post-exploitation scenarios, enabling attackers or penetration testers to exploit explicit certificate mapping…

4 weeks ago