ProtectMyTooling : Multi-Packer Wrapper Letting Us Daisy-Chain Various Packers, Obfuscators And Other Red Team Oriented Weaponry

ProtectMyTooling is a script that wraps around multitude of packers, protectors, obfuscators, shellcode loaders, encoders, generators to produce complex protected Red Team implants. Your perfect companion in Malware Development CI/CD pipeline, helping watermark your artifacts, collect IOCs, backdoor and more. With ProtectMyTooling you can quickly obfuscate your binaries without having to worry about clicking …

TwiTi : Tool for extracting IOCs from tweet

TwiTi, a tool for extracting IOCs from tweets, can collect a large number of fresh, accurate IOCs.TwiTi does classifying whether a tweet contains IOCs or not. extracting IOCs from a tweet and also from links mentioned in a tweet. For more details please refer to our paper,“#Twiti: Social Listening for Threat Intelligence” (TheWebConf 2021)Also, you …