Kerbrute : An Script To Perform Kerberos Bruteforcing By Using Impacket

Kerbrute is a script to perform kerberos bruteforcing by using the Impacket library. When is executed, as input it receives a user or list of users and a password or list of password. Then is performs a brute-force attack to enumerate: Valid username/passwords pairs Valid usernames Usernames without pre-authentication required As a result, the script …

Kerbrute : A Tool to Perform Kerberos Pre-Auth Bruteforcing

Kerbrute is a tool to quickly bruteforce and enumerate valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos Pre-Authentication. Find the latest binaries from the releases page to get started. This tool grew out of some bash scripts I wrote a few years ago to perform bruteforcing using the Heimdal Kerberos client from Linux. They wanted something that …