Python Script

Coercer : A Python Script To Automatically Coerce A Windows Server To Authenticate On An Arbitrary Machine

Coercer is a python script to automatically coerce a Windows server to authenticate on an arbitrary machine through 9 methods.…

3 years ago

ApacheTomcatScanner : A Python Script To Scan For Apache Tomcat Server Vulnerabilities

ApacheTomcatScanner is a python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities. Features  Multithreaded workers to search for Apache tomcat…

3 years ago

BirDuster : A Multi Threaded Python Script Designed To Brute Force Directories

BirDuster is a Python based knockoff of the original DirBuster. BirDuster is a multi threaded Python application designed to brute force directories…

3 years ago

Dome : Fast And Reliable Python Script That Makes Active And/Or Passive Scan To Obtain Subdomains

Dome is a fast and reliable python script that makes active and/or passive scan to obtain subdomains and search for…

3 years ago

Ipsourcebypass : This Python Script Can Be Used To Bypass IP Source Restrictions Using HTTP Headers

Ipsourcebypass is a Python script that can be used to bypass IP source restrictions using HTTP headers. Features  17 HTTP…

3 years ago

FinalRecon : The Last Web Recon Tool You’ll Need

FinalRecon is a fast and simple python script for web reconnaissance. It follows a modular structure so in future new…

5 years ago

Sandcastle : A Python Script For AWS S3 Bucket Enumeration

Inspired by a conversation with Instacart's @nickelser on HackerOne, I've optimized and published Sandcastle – a Python script for AWS…

5 years ago

How To Hack Android Device using Python Scripts ?

Ever think about how awful folks hack Android gadgets? Or on the other hand how they just figure out how…

7 years ago

Instagram-Py – Python Script To Brute Force Attack

Instagram-Py is a straightforward python script to perform brute force attack against Instagram , this script can sidestep login restricting…

7 years ago